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She makes contact after 4 months... breadcrumbs!


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Hi all,


Please feel free to read my story here


So it has now been since May 1st since there has been any contact. I made up my mind she would never hear from me again and I let her know how much I loved her before I said my last goodbye. Fast forward to a few days ago. I've recently moved, already started dating, had some amazing job opportunities, and have found some girls I think I may really like. (Guys, never hesitate to ask for a girl's number. It's the easiest thing in the world if you are getting along and 99% of the time, they'll find it as a show of your confidence). I get a text out of the blue from my ex saying that she was just thinking of me and my family because someone reminded her of them and she hopes we are all well and happy.


Now, I assume most of us have had our moments (whether it's days, weeks, or months) where we go out of our way to make up some elaborate story as an excuse to contact our ex. This girl is well aware of just how much she smashed my heart so I'm going to explain to you exactly what went through my mind after reading this text to give you a little insight.


I want to take a moment to diagram any possible motives from her:

1) She misses me and wants me back

2) She misses me and wants to see what I'm up to

3) She wants me to not hate her

4) She's a total bitch and knows that an ambiguous text like this is worthless but will just possibly hurt me


The interesting thing is, no matter what the reasons, not texting her back has felt so !#(O$& good. She doesn't deserve any thing from me. If she wants to call me up to apologize, I may listen. However, these little pathetic "I'll string you along" texts will never cut it. Feels so good to put her in her place and let her wonder; why isn't he responding? did he get my text? does he hate me? etc.


Let the dumper start questioning themselves like we questioned ourselves for so long. I made some mistakes in the relationship but I was never cruel. She stabbed me over and over while I was down and then decided to twist the knife from time to time. I'm done playing those games and I hope you all are too. Texts like this are pathetic, pointless, and embarrassing.


Don't subject yourself to more hurt by playing these stupid little games. If she wants you, make her work for it. Play hard to get like you wouldn't belive. I made myself look like a little sissy after the breakup and threw all my pride out the window. Well, she isn't getting any more of it. I'm not asking her a damn thing until she tells me what a bitch she was, how sorry she is, and whether I will ever consider giving her a chance. Everything else, ignore! It's the best way to get her back and the best way to move on. The empowered feeling I feel and have felt these past few days is priceless. Soak it in boys and girls, it will be yours soon enough :)



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