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Progress or Regress

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So I met this girl about a year ago. Around the time I was still in Texas. Now that I've finally moved back, I've seen a lot of her lately over the past 2 months. She's been in and out of a relationship. I had never felt anything towards her before, because I was still in the wrong frame of mind being fixated on one person. Until the past 2 months.


I asked her out to lunch, we went from there, I've been to her place with our mutual friends a couple of times.


Now here is the catch I think she's still got feelings towards one of her ex's. Only cause I see them hugging, being playful, kiss goodnight. (the last one kinda ate at me)


I don't know whether to pursue my feelings and ask her out. Not really knowing if their even back together, or testing the waters or anything, and I'd think it'd be really super awkward to bring it up in conversation. I don't want to end up friended, and if they are dating again it would probably make things so weird after.


So What do I do. Thoughts? Words of Advice? I'd appreciate kindly.

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Been playing it cool the past day and a half. I didn't initiate contact with her. I decided to let her start things off this time around, as I had been the one to start conversations the past 2 times we talked. So today I get a response from her, i'm happy cause I wasn't waiting on her or anything cause I had plans of my own. Which is one of the things she had asked me, I wanted to make sure I wasn't to available if she was going to bring up doing anything.


So conversation goes on, talking about her party, cracking little jokes and helping out, so tomorrow and thursday I'm going to offer my help to her as its her going away party before she heads off to college once again.


These next couple of days before she heads off will be my last couple of days to kind of just enjoy the time remaining. Now I think I am going to be seeing her at my bro's party as well, and I'm really thinking about just pulling her aside and just letting her know how I feel. Because if I let her go off for a whole semester without saying anything i'll have some regret not telling her then and there and just living things the way they are.


Now as I stated above the only worry I've gotta get past is her ex. Who I still don't really know if there going out again or not, cause a friend of mine says wait till its "facebook official" like really not everyone puts their status for everyone to see.


Just my little update, If you have any words of wisdom, advice, or what not to do. Please feel free to let me know. Anything would be much appreciated.:)

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