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Pursue her or move into the friend zone?

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Need an outside perspective

There is this woman who Im confused about. She introduced herself to me about 8 months ago to arrange a sleep over for our kids. (at that time she did not know that I had custody of my daughter, so i was surprised she did not aproach the mom). this part is not confusing, since its normal for kids to have sleep overs.


anyway at first though nothing of it, the kids had sleep overs at her and my house, play dates ect, but since then she and I talk or txt about 4 or 5 days a week. even if she is just asking me how my day was. The play date drop offs have become visits(but our topics are different, almost dateish). As per google she is showing all the signes she is interested in me, and who knows I might even be showing signs I am interested in her (I only read the "signs a woman is interested in a man" not the "signs a man is interested in a woman")


Im am pretty sure i am not in the "friend zone" based on her actions, google, and what we talk about. I am just friends with other girls and this not like it at all.


So my guestion... do i ask her out without the kids? or do i try and move into the friend zone. She is very attractive but I am not going to lie to you. I read the thread "Aftermath of expressing feelings to a co-worker!" and that is exactly why I don't want to persue anything. I am not scaird of a "no", I am scaird to make it weird for my daughter and her friendship. It won't kill me to not make a move(no regrets), but at the same time i am oportunistic and has potential to be a good relationship (She already trusts me with her daughter, her daughter likes me and my daughter likes her).

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You are both adults. Were she to turn you down, there is little to say things would turn as awkward as you fear.


Don't let a thread on LS put you off. If she is of enough interest, take a chance and pursue a date.

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You could ask her on a date or even label it a meet up to get coffee with just the two of you, that way you're not overwhelming her by asking for a date but simply asking if she wants to get coffee.


If she weirds out and declines you could always say that you just thought it would be nice to have coffee with a friend and chat and there is less "asking out" pressure since a simple coffee gesture could be taken friendly if you make it simple enough.



I would say "Hey do are you free to grab some coffee sometime" and leave it at that and don't over complicate the scenario and just see what she says.

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