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Friends with Feelings?

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What is your take on having your significant other spend one-on-one time with someone who has feelings for them but your significant says they don't have feelings for the other person?

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I would say she's not free to hang around with him. If she respected me should wouldn't spend time alone with someone who clearly wants to make a move on her, whether the feelings are mutual or not.

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It depends on the situation. I have a few friends who have slight crushes on me but I know nothing would ever come of it because I am seriously not interested. I know that I can be trusted to hang out with them alone but if it makes my SO uncomfortable, then I simply can't do it.


Figure out why your SO is not interested (preferably on your own not by asking them). If you have doubts about them then it is reasonable to ask that they don't put themselves in that situation.


However, they could be hanging out with someone who is interested because it makes them feel good to receive that kind of attention. If so, then what is missing from your relationship that they want that kind of attention? Sorry that I have not given a definitive answer but there are just so many grey areas.

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