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Confused about girl

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ok, i have met this girl over the internet like a little over a month ago. We met and we hit it off pretty well, we went out several times and we even engaged in sexual activity(very very good i might add, hehe). She is very beautiful and i like her alot. My problem is, we aren't officially dating or anything, but i like her to the point to where i would like something more than what we have. She does have a slight drinking problem coz she drinks alot at nite but it doesn't really bother me that much. What bothers me is the she has told me once that she has alot of guy friends. I notice that several different guys go over to her house alot. Sometimes i will call her and there will be some guys over and she will ask me if she can call me back later on. She acts like she REALLY likes me when im over, but how come she puts me on hold whenever shes has these male "friends" over? Is she just messing with my head or am i just overreacting? Should i persue dating this girl or find me someone else? Please, any advise is appriciated. I really like her alot.

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It is absolute and proper etiquet to defer telephone calls while one has personal company. It would be rude of her to engage in conversation with you while she has guests in her home.


She could also be having sex with them and you could be interupting. You will have to get the answer from her on this.


If you want something with this girl and you want greater access to her, just tell her how you feel and let her know you would like her to be yours. But she will still be free to have guy friends, though...maybe just cut out the messing around with them...if that's going on, you know.

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I agree with Tony competely and I have to add, how do you think she got so good at doing it with out practice??

It is absolute and proper etiquet to defer telephone calls while one has personal company. It would be rude of her to engage in conversation with you while she has guests in her home. She could also be having sex with them and you could be interupting. You will have to get the answer from her on this. If you want something with this girl and you want greater access to her, just tell her how you feel and let her know you would like her to be yours. But she will still be free to have guy friends, though...maybe just cut out the messing around with them...if that's going on, you know.


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You are probably only interested in her BECAUSE of sex- it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the way she makes you feel otherwise. Why would a man want to be with a woman who needs the attention of so many men? Don't get me wrong here- there is nothing wrong with have friends of the opposite sex- but this whole scenerio sounds very weird to me. Please just promise to do this ONE thing- PLEASE practice safe (very safe) sex with her- if she was willing to lay down with you -someone she met on the internet- you can bet you aren't the first, only or last. Be careful.



I agree with Tony competely and I have to add, how do you think she got so good at doing it with out practice??
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For several reasons.If a girl were interested in guy,they would always find an excuse to be with them.They wouldn't talk about their guy friends because it would risk turning a man away.They would ditch their friends for a moment to be with the guy they liked. This is what a truly interested woman would do.She would MAKE the time to spend with you,not give you left-overs of what her friends have.


You took the time to call her,but how often does she call you back? When does she take the iniative and call just to say "hi"? If she doens't ,then she's not interested.


She has plenty of guy friends,but if she REALLY liked you she would introduce you to them in the hope she would get her guy friends to make her look good in your eyes or to bring you closer to her social circle.If she really liked you,she would encourge you to like her guy friends,thereby giving her more of an excuse to be with you.


I don't what her game is.Maybe she is just too nice or too timid to brush you off to your face.Or maybe she expects you to take a hint? Whatever.Just keep your dignity,forget about her.You'll meet someone else eventually.

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