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The "what If's?" Definitely Hurt .....

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During my Senior Year in High School I had probably the biggest crush on this girl. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl at that school.


I was smitten. Well to the point, I NEVER approached her. I didn't even choose to be at graduation as I felt it would hurt too much to see her go off into her new life.


I actually sent her an e-mail describing the way I felt towards her. She did reply saying that she was flattered and appreciative of my honesty. BUT she was seeing someone. She went on to say that I seemed like a Nice Guy and wished me the best in the future.


I have yet to hear from her again. Damn typing this brings so much greif. It hurts.


Going through my 4 years of High School without date #1 has left a huge dent in my soul. There is a box around my heart.

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average guy

I know exactly how you feel but in a more involved way - my #1 and I "dated" but never consumated our relationship, even though I am sure we both wanted to, somehow it just never happened (her father died, I ran away from home for a year, etc. etc.) but anyway, I still think "what if" 25 years later. Someone eonce told me that you never really get over your first love, but my advice to you would be to talk to someone (a therapist, very good firned, etc.) and get it out of your system as soon as you can so it won't cloud your judgement for the rest of your life (my not being "man" enough to be assertive enough (read: full of testorine)to have sex with her has left me feeling like a loser and a wimp for a long time. In reality, my freidship with her was more important to maintaining my sanity at that time in my life, so it was a trade off: no sex for sanity :)


Anyway, get it off your chest now and get on with your life without looking back :)


Good luck :)





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my mother always said "if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's butt"


Dont think about the "what if's" think about the "what nows" :bunny:

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Originally posted by AfriendAllie

During my Senior Year in High School I had probably the biggest crush on this girl. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl at that school.




Going through my 4 years of High School without date #1 has left a huge dent in my soul. There is a box around my heart.


I've been in your situation, and yeah, it hurts a lot. But someday, maybe soon...maybe later, you will find someone else who is so much more awesome than that girl. (Or maybe that girl will come back in your life and be that 'more awesome' girl) I had a huge crush on a friend of mine during high school but like you, I spilled my guts and found out she only thought of me as a friend. Looking back, there never was any chemistry between us, and it was truly just a friendship -- if you could even call it that. I was hurt though, and proceeded to build a wall to keep myself from getting hurt again, but also kept me from showing how I felt to my numerous other crushes I've had.


Eventually I got over my first crush and all my other ones, realizing that I was never going to get anywhere with them except for maybe a limited friendship. I ended up basically giving up on looking, and just trying to keep myself occupied so I didnt think about that kind of love that I never experienced. Then one day, while I was keeping busy going out with some sorta distant friends from the neighborhood, I found out about something from one of them that really changed my life. It was about a band that was made up of 4 of my long-lost friends from elementary school and a couple other guys. I made time to go and see them one night to catch up with them, and that night really changed EVERYTHING.


When I got there, I was greeted by one of the old friends, and it felt like we had never best friends who had never been apart, the way she treated me. She was beautiful too, and thats the girl I have the huge crush on right now. Things can always be better, and they can always be worse, but at the current time in my life, I KNOW 100% that I am in the absolute best place in life - there has never been better, although each week it keeps getting better. Now she's a wonderful friend, and her family and the others in the band are good friends too, and I am going to be part of her life forever, whether as just a really good friend as I am now, or a lover/boyfriend/husband as I would ultimately desire to be.


She is not perfect by any means, she has her faults as do I. The thing is though, her faults make her even a more perfect person for me as they make her who she is.


I hope you understand that this was all just to show how it has happened to me too, and though the pain lasted a while, it ultimately passed away and was replaced with a new found joy from a situation that is the best I've ever been in. It may take a while, but you will get over her and find yourself somewhere you never thought you could be at a time when you least expect it to happen.

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