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How do I get my guy friend to initiate us dating?...


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.. Where to start? -- I goofed up. Had an awesome pal. He's such sweet & zany guy. Really intelligent. Hilarious. And such a cutie-muffin to me :) I won't go on & on but he's pretty much my dream man.


I have not seen him in going on a year... We talk from time-to-time to catch up. (Oh, I miss him so much) So -- Why haven't I seen him? ... Well.. Flash to where I messed up -- He did live about 2 hours from me; I never was gung-ho about this becasue i thought that was long distance. And I really didn't want that. Also, I thought I'd have time to iron it all out.. But after he was done with college he relocated for an awesome job..Lucky me-- this time now he's 4 hours away. . . That's worse, but he's such a sweetie muffin, he offered to come visit me in the upcoming month. I was really blown away, actually. I'm still surprised. I know he liked me then...& vice vera. But I never elaborated on why I just faded to black on him. I had to stop talking to him since it tore me up to keep falling for him & not being able to see him very often.


While we were together as friends, it made it difficult then since he was shy with dating. I'm a bit shy myself, as well. That's why we never picked up any steam at all. I only came out with my feelings right before he told me he was moving. Dumb move to wait so long? Ya, surely. (/Hindsight) And honestly, I didnt regret it since he felt the same about me... but nothing everrrr happened, you guys. I mean. . I didn't see him after my admission of feelings.. I didn't know what to do. I think I freaked out & was too hung up on this distance "issue".


So.. How do I get my guy friend to initiate us dating? OR what should I do, if I don't do that. . It's just his shyness that leaves me unsure of what to say/do.

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Just say "you should ask me out. " :p


or "Do you wanna go out on a date with me?"


I wish you and your sweetie muffin good luck with whatever avenue you choose.

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Awwww :love: Flirtatiously ordering him to ask me out. *blush* Well, hum--That'll be something to definitely try out. I'll have to be thinking of how I'll slide it in.. maybe start off with how I've been thinking about it. Yeh, I'll go that route. I'll just dive in and tell him how much I've missed him .. missed seeing him. et al. Because I've done A LOT of thinking since he's been away. Sigh.


We've been chit-chatting it up & it's great. Though, I won't see him for another month or so. So I'll have to resume my regularly scheduled life & try not to think about it.. It'll drive me batty :) /impatient

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