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3 months out and still feelings of Anger?


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A little for my background story.






So it's been 3 months now, and I'm still getting these feelings of anger, hate, rage, and disbelief. Even after going out with a couple prospective dates. It sucks, because I never had this much anger for someone before. Maybe it's the fact the we work at the same place,(along with her new idiot guy), that it's taking longer to heal? I've maintained as much NC as I can. Working out helps, and has made me the leanest, and fittest I've been in years, but it's only temporary. I keep telling myself that she's the one that quit, lied, and threw away 8 years like an old pair of jeans, and in the end, I'll be her biggest loss ever. Then I'll catch a glimpse of her at work looking so happy, etc., etc, and it all comes back down. Changing jobs isn't an option right now either, and I shouldn't have to because of her. I guess I just have to tough it out, and know there is light at the end eventually.

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I am sorry that you had to go through this. After an eight year long relationship, three months later is still too short of a time span to fully accept the fact that you were wronged by someone you loved, especially if you are working with her. I suggest you keep doing what you're doing. Tough it out! Stay positive and healthy!

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I am not going to lie, you've got a long road ahead of you and three months is just the beginning. Staying NC as much as possible is your best bet, and it sounds like you're doing that as best you can.


I also started working out, and am at the 3 month mark (though my relationship was much shorter than yours). I have fits of anger where I just want to clench my teeth and scream due to the frustration. Mostly though, I just feel dead inside. I feel like no one interests me and even if they did, I don't have the emotional energy to make a go for it. I'm not sure how long this will last :o


Give yourself a goal of another 3 months. Do everything that is good for you in that time. Keep exercising and making healthy choices. Tell yourself that you'll keep pushing ahead and reassess in 3 months. You can do it.

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