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she moved out/needed space/calling me every day now


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You will only win at life when you take control of it. Don't let her control this situation. You take the reigns. You do what YOU want, not what she wants. If you want to talk to her, do so. You decide whether you should be talking to her. I wouldn't. If she is going to talk to you on the phone all the time, she is NOT taking advantage of space. She may want to be sure you aren't ahving girls over in her absense. That's none of her business.


But, don't forget, the space she left you with should be used productively to find people in your life who will not require space from you. Got the picture???

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Sometimes I am ashamed to be a woman- some of us really give others a bad name. She wants space- she doesn't want space. She love you- she's confused. She trusts you- but wants you to account for every minute of the day. (a sum of recent posts) I just want to say I'm sorry that you have to go through this- please know that we aren't ALL like that. Bless your heart- good luck. Jenna

You will only win at life when you take control of it. Don't let her control this situation. You take the reigns. You do what YOU want, not what she wants. If you want to talk to her, do so. You decide whether you should be talking to her. I wouldn't. If she is going to talk to you on the phone all the time, she is NOT taking advantage of space. She may want to be sure you aren't ahving girls over in her absense. That's none of her business. But, don't forget, the space she left you with should be used productively to find people in your life who will not require space from you. Got the picture???
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Let her call one day and get one of your female friends to answer the phone. :) Then let your friend say something cryptic like : "Kalik can't talk right now.He's really tired.We were both up pretty late last night.Could I take a message? He knows you,right?"

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