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I hate the feeling of her being away from me...

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I was doing a little better,then I drank alcohol on the weekend and now its like I am back to the day after she told me it is over, instead of making progress in the last 4 weeks, I feel like I want to curl up in a corner and cry about her and call her and beg her to come back to me. Kinda sucks big time, because i missed her and love her alot. I know i have to hang in there, but I wish time would just speed up and i would get over her soon..i doubt I ever will though

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just have faith and hope and tile will heal everything. I used to be the same way without the alcohol. I wouldnt eat for days and all i did was cry. But ive became more stronger and things dont get to me as much as they did before. Just hang in there..itll get better

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It's a struggle day by day, and you've got to give yourself permission to have a breakdown every now and then. It doesn't mean that you've lost your progress, it just means that you are still cycling through the different emotions of grief and sadness. It's NORMAL.


I always want to kick everyone who says that time heals, because you hate to hear it, but I think you can see that you've made a lot of progress already, and once another day or two passes you'll be back to where you were before the breakdown. We humans are amazingly resilient beings. On average, every day you are going to be the tiniest bit better, until some day in the near future your emotions feel manageable again.


Set some date two or three weeks from now to check in on your emotions and compare them to now, and reward yourself for your progress.


In the meantime, hang in there and talk to people when you need listeners.

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I dont think all the time, when I go out I will and that moment you feel better but the day after it is the worst feeling, I remembered the day after my fiance broke up with me I drank and I didnt sleep for 2 days and I felt suicidal..now I am feeling a little better all I do is think of her though and wished she was with me. Thank you for your kind words guys it does help alot to hear and hopefully that cliche 'time heals everything' works for me, though i doubt it :(

Originally posted by mach3

Damn - I wish I drank. Does it help you forget or make things worse?

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The other night I had my first drink since all this happened to me on Feb 3rd.

I am on 3 medications..the drink made me really sleepy and gave me a headache.

I can tell you for sure that I cried all day Sunday over him.


I miss him sooo much.

i dont know if the alcohol made it worse or not.

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Because its a suppress your feeling at the moment drinking makes you feel better, but the next couple days it would be worse , I try to stay away from drinking or smoking pot because I feel so messed up its not worth it, best thing to do is meditate, get some good relaxing music and sit in a corner of your room turn off all the lights and just try to meditate, think of other things that make you feel better besides him or her. I helps me sleep at night because before I couldnt sleep and all I would do is dream of her when I did sleep for an hour..

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i dont need alcohol to help me..i just listen to songs and it makes me miss him

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