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Why is a foot fetish considered creepy?


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I have met girls that have fetishes for male feet. Even met one girl in H.S. who digged MY feet, lol!


She was cute as hell. But my shyness prevented me from taking it anywhere.

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You seem to have one of those weird (at least to me) hatred of feet. I don't understand girls that have your view, especially when they have drop dead gorgeous feet (and call them ugly.)


But...whatever. In a world where Britney Spears can have a foot fetish (and she doesn't have the prettiest feet, despite being hot everywhere else), I guess obese and ugly girls can have pretty feet. Or vice versa.

I don't hate feet, but I also don't love them. They are just there & w/ out them I'd fall over. Never said my feet were gorgeous or ugly. They're feet.


Anyway, to each their own.

Edited by KR10N
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I don't hate feet, but I also don't love them. They are just there & w/ out them I'd fall over. Never said my feet were gorgeous or ugly. They're feet.


Anyway, to each their own.



Would you take off your shoes and WALK ON TOP of a guy if you were dating a guy that liked being stepped on by sexy feet?

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I don't think it's creepy. But my feet are soooo ticklish I don't really like them touched too much.


I was thinking the same thing!!! I am ticklish in general and even like those foot massagers have me laughing!!! As long as someone isn't smelling my feet because that sounds gross I don't see why not, I keep my toes clean and polished not like I am growing fungus down there.

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Would you take off your shoes and WALK ON TOP of a guy if you were dating a guy that liked being stepped on by sexy feet?
I wouldn't even attempt it. I'd probably fall over anyway.
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To me a foot is a foot is a foot.


When I was a boy I could never understand why women were always looking at my feet. It really annoyed me. What, did they think I was wearing pink bunny slippers?


But then a few years ago, a married female friend cluebatted me. She said the women were flirting with me and hoping I'd tune in to it. But I never did, so I grew up thinking that a lot of women had foot fetishes!

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I was half-hoping this would be a link to an article about Rex Ryan.



wow now thats too extream....he should just try to find someone that will let him do it and not be chasing after women.

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To me a foot is a foot is a foot.


When I was a boy I could never understand why women were always looking at my feet. It really annoyed me. What, did they think I was wearing pink bunny slippers?


But then a few years ago, a married female friend cluebatted me. She said the women were flirting with me and hoping I'd tune in to it. But I never did, so I grew up thinking that a lot of women had foot fetishes!


Is this true?

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what if he wanted you to dance on top of him with your shoes off?


Like, stepping all over him?


I'm six feet tall and pretty well-built, like a brick ****house as they say. I've never had a man ask me to step all over him, except for one who had a pain fetish, and he wanted me to keep my shoes on. I did it, once or twice, at his request--but inflicting pain on someone I'm not even angry at is not my thing, either.

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I wouldn't mind getting a foot job off of a woman but I don't generally have an interest in feet. The thought of putting someone's feet in my mouth is :sick:

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I remember a woman thought it was weird to put her feet on my penis and jerk me off but didn't think it was weird to give me a blow job lol

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Look, I wasn't talking about harassing women, stalking women, or doing something illegal. That would be considered creepy.


I'm just talking about the scenerio:


- I meet a girl, I think she's pretty/cute/sexy and happens to have cute feet in addition to everything else. We start dating, I find that I'm falling in love with her and her in love with me.


Within a relationship, would it be creepy to engage in foot fetishism? Like Rex Ryan? Rex is married, and had a sexual relationship with his wife's feet, that happened to leak onto the internet and go viral. If I engaged in a sexual relationship with my girlfriend, and that included feet, would it be creepy?


I'm not talking about psychos and serial killers, I'm talking about a normal sexual relationship.

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^I'm sorry, but a foot fetish is absolutely weird IMO. That would be like someone getting turned on over a nostril or an attached earlobe. I don't think I could date a guy w/ an intense interest in feet... actually, I know I couldn't.

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^I'm sorry, but a foot fetish is absolutely weird IMO. That would be like someone getting turned on over a nostril or an attached earlobe. I don't think I could date a guy w/ an intense interest in feet... actually, I know I couldn't.


But what if he just wanted you to walk on him with your bare feet?

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I don't want her to walk on me with her bare feet.


And nobody is making you date me. I'm sorry, but you are only one girl.

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Along the way of course, you may find out some interesting, if unverifiable, information. For example, when reading V. S. Ramachandran’s “Phantoms in the Brain” last year, I came across a ‘homunculus’ (little man) diagram which appeared to explain why some people experience foot fetishes. Apparently a prominent scientist, Wilder Penfield, discovered how sensation from certain parts of the body mapped to areas of the brain in the 1940s and 1950s. Using electrodes (placed on anesthetized humans rather than unwilling monkeys, somewhat against the trend), Penfield was able to locate a strip of brain real estate along which sensory perception was focused. Whilst most of these mappings were in logical order (hands next to thumbs, lips next to face), sensations from the genitalia were mapped right next to the feet, leading to the deduction that in some humans the two might be confused, leading to the titular foot fetish.


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you don't like silly adult fun


She's probably one of those conservatives that thinks vanilla sex is kinky.

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