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Re: i did it! i did it!

Tony T

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You shouldn't have to work at accepting your guy's schedule and committments. That's what puts food on the table. It should come naturally. You have absolute, total and complete control over your emotions. If you don't, please write back and tell me who does.


Remember, when your guy keeps his work committments, even the ones that come up at the last minute, it hurts him. He doesn't deserve to have to work like hell for your benefit and then take punishment from you because his work calls for him to put in hours which are out of his control. The poor guy feels bad enough. And statistics indicate he will live six to eight years less than you. So give him the peace now of knowing you are solidly behind him and you can make the itsy, bitsy sacrifice of putting things off so he can bring home the cash to live. Maybe more love and understanding coming from your direction will help him to live a bit longer.


When situations occur that seem not to your liking, you may decide to shoot off your mouth, get totally pissed, throw things, drop bombs, jump up and down, yell, scream, or keep yourself together and accept the fact that's the way it is and that's OK.


When things happen in your relationship that are out of you or your guy's control, I hope you will choose to just accept it. A lot of people died on their way to work today on highways all over America, but you are alive and breathing and inconvenienced ever so slightly.


Stay cool, keep calm, enjoy your life, be happy and live longer.

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