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Gay relationship falling to pieces!

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I've had the worst two days.


I woke up yesterday morning to find a text saying " i cheated on you tonight, i had sex with someone. i have never been so sorry for doing this, etc etc" it was sent almost immediately after it had happened.


Earlier that night me and my girlfriend had gone out with friends but sadley, argued and i went home early. Apparantely after i went my girlfriend got talking to a guy, he proceeded to chat her up and try and kiss her for about two hours, and eventually caved in. They ended up having sex together, but 5 minutes in she stopped and tried to get in contact with me. unfortuantly i was asleep and only found the messages 4 hours later.


I am also a woman, me and my girlfriend are gay, and she had sex with a man. for the past few months we both had our thoughts about men, and openly talked about it. how if we ever felt the need to be with other people we would tell eachother and do what we needed to do, go on a break, to avoid someone getting hurt.


Me and this girl love each other will all our hearts and i dont doubt she doesnt love me. we have been together for two years and have a healthy beautiful relationship with ups and downs, but absolutely amazing. i have always wanted her to be a big part of my life and be with her as long as i can have her.


Im faced with a horrible choice. I feel betrayed and hurt and every sort of pain possible but i love this girl with all my heart. Shes been bringing me flowers, meeting up with me, committing to anything i ask her. She said she will give up getting drunk and also going out if we fight, and also that she will wait as long as she needs too. even if i never wanted to touch her again, she says it would destroy her to be without me. i can see the pain in her face, i know it was a mistake, i know she is whole heartily sorry.


I dont want to be one of those girls who take back a cheating partner, i never thought i would stoop that low. i dont want to appear weak, i dont want to be hurt again. I have already broken up with her, i had the strength to pull myself away, but after talking to her non stop for 48 hours im starting to regret it. I know it would take a long time to bring her back, and even longer to feel close to her, but i have this strong feeling i would be loosing something beautiful that makes me truely happy.


I must add she has never cheated on my before, or on anyone else, and i know this for fact. shes a very honest person, and i know her extremely well. I just dont know what to do. I'm torn between the two. I don't know if i could ever trust her again, ever touch her again.


I love her but by god do i hate her.


How can people be so cruel?


and also drink knowing they are not in there right mind!


I really thought i would leave someone, but its different with her, i really believe she made an honest mistake.


Im not looking for someone to make some sort of choice for me, im just looking for some genuine advice or to maybe get some advice on wether people think its acceptable or not to consider taking her back.


Im a smart girl, im not a fool. iv left people before for cheating, in a heart beat. this just feels different :(


one more add, this isnt a case of her not being gay, we both have dated women but slept with men between relationships.

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