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How do I quit watching sports?

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Watching sports has a detrimental affect on my life. When my team loses, I am in a bad mood, I waste too much time reading up on sports related things that I have no control over. Watching the game has prevented me numerous times from doing other more productive things like working out.


Ugghh I can't stand it, I don't want to care about sports anymore, I don't want to spend time thinking about it, I don't want it to affect my mood and I certainly don't want to waste more time watching it


Any ideas how I can quit sports?

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Move to Boston, you will hardly ever be in a bad mood. I feel for you cubs fans.


Seriously though, the only solution would be to find a new waste of time hobby to replace sports. One where you have more control over the outcome. Nobody can be totally productive 100% of the time.

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Medication was the only thing that helped me. When it started to work, my mind felt like it had a pair of glasses on that it needed for years and I realized that it's just a bunch of people in a big stadium far away and doesn't change a thing about anything, whereas before I was so in the drama that I'd have all those fits of fury when bad stuff happened that true fan(atics) have. I'm kidding a little and am not pushing going out for Prozac just to deal with the ups and downs of being a fan but it really is so much easier for me to detach now instead of blowing my freaking cork.


Here's a technique that should help any sports nut with a losing team like the Cubs (or Mets, like me). Turn the sound on the TV down when the opposing team does something to get ahead in the score. Hearing the announcer raise his voice and the crowd cheering for something that just is a dagger through your heart adds insult to injury. I don't need to hear Joe Buck tell me it's a "TOUCH DOWN" (againsts the Giants, especially by the Cowboys or Eagles). I can see it and I turn away before all the players jump up and down with each other and the god damn TV network has to show you ten replays of the celebration and chest bumping. I just tune out the hurt and tune back in on the ensuing kick off. Good luck.

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