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Is it to good to be true?

Bobby Dygytul

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ok, i met this girl over the internet. She asked me if i had a pic. and i said yes and i sent it to her. She said she like it and when i asked her for hers, she said she didn't have one right now but she could get one for me. Aiight, i was thinking in my mind,"she's probably fat and ugly". So we exchanged phone number and we started talking on the phone everyday. She has one of the best personalities of any girl i have ever met. I asking her a couple of times for a pic. and one day she finnally got one and sent it to me. When i went to open it, it kept giving me errors and it wouldn't let me open it. So then i was think she has got to be ugly. Well, we kept talking and yesturday we decided to meet somewhere and go out for some dinner. I was kinda nevous and was thinking that i probably was going to get stuck with some horrifying female for the rest of the night. We met at a local restaraunt. Well she pulled up in her car (2000 mustang GT convertible) she was absolutly the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. Im not exactly the best looking guy in the world but im certainly not the uglyest. I have dated lots of different females but none of them even compares to this girl. She could probably go out and get any guy she wanted. Im thinking in my mind right now, there is got to be some kinda catch. I got butterflys in my stomach when i seen her. When we parted for the nite, she told me to call her when i got home. So i called her and she said to me "i told you i was ugly" and of course im like "no your not, i thing you look good." My question is, could it be to good to be true? She said she would call me today, should i wait to see if she calls me? Im so nervous and don't know what to do or say. I want to see if she likes me or not. I get really nervous around her and i get scared that im going to say something stupid or do something to turn her off. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life and im really unsure on how to act around her. She is everything i have always dreamed about in a female and i don't want to lose her. Its like my mind goes blank when im around her and im scared that maybe she doesn't like me. Can anyone give me an insight on how i can stop being so nervous and how i can find out if she likes me?

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You are doing a pretty good mind trip on yourself to totally destroy what you don't even have going yet. Your self image, your self esteem, your feelings of not deserving the best will get you exactly that.


This girl is for real but she is looking for someone with confidence that will treat her kindly as a lady but someone who believes in himself. If you don't change your attitude about yourself in the next ten minutes, you can kiss this lady goodbye.


The reason she did not send you a picture right away is because she is sick and tired of having guys after her simply for her looks. She wanted to get to know you online and have you like her for what she is inside before she met you in person. And you can bet, no matter now beautiful she is, she is looking to meet a man for what he is inisde, and not for his looks. If you didn't have the attitude about yourself that you have, you would probably be ideal for this lady.


She seems a very kind person and there is no need to be nervous around her. I am sure that because she has been through the mill, she is probably very accepting of people's faults. If you say the wrong thing, don't worry. Just move on with the conversation. You need to relax around her because that is what she is looking for. She doesn't want a guy who worships the ground she walks on. She wants a nice, loving guy who wants to get to know her inside. If you aren't that guy, cancel any future meetings with her.


So you may be average looking, but if you feel like crap about yourself inside, you can kiss your chances with this lady GOODBYE!!!

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...Bobby's in love- Bobby's in love.... remember that from grade school?? THIS is how you feel when you are really into someone!! The nervousness will fade as you get to know each other better- and if she is what you say she is.. she will be able to assure you that she isn't going to leave you without cause. Take it slow, and enjoy this time of courtship- the butterflies are the best part- believe it or not. People who have been in relationships for a long time often wish that they could recapture the feelings that you are having right now. You sound like a total sweetheart- except that you "may" be putting too much imphasis on looks. In this case- it may have turned out to be a mute point- if she has a wonderful personality AND is attractive.


Just remember, wonderful people come in all kinds of packages- and although being attracted to someone is very important- a truly open-minded and genuine good person can be attracted to all aspects of a love interest.


Good luck! Jenna

ok, i met this girl over the internet. She asked me if i had a pic. and i said yes and i sent it to her. She said she like it and when i asked her for hers, she said she didn't have one right now but she could get one for me. Aiight, i was thinking in my mind,"she's probably fat and ugly". So we exchanged phone number and we started talking on the phone everyday. She has one of the best personalities of any girl i have ever met. I asking her a couple of times for a pic. and one day she finnally got one and sent it to me. When i went to open it, it kept giving me errors and it wouldn't let me open it. So then i was think she has got to be ugly. Well, we kept talking and yesturday we decided to meet somewhere and go out for some dinner. I was kinda nevous and was thinking that i probably was going to get stuck with some horrifying female for the rest of the night. We met at a local restaraunt. Well she pulled up in her car (2000 mustang GT convertible) she was absolutly the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. Im not exactly the best looking guy in the world but im certainly not the uglyest. I have dated lots of different females but none of them even compares to this girl. She could probably go out and get any guy she wanted. Im thinking in my mind right now, there is got to be some kinda catch. I got butterflys in my stomach when i seen her. When we parted for the nite, she told me to call her when i got home. So i called her and she said to me "i told you i was ugly" and of course im like "no your not, i thing you look good." My question is, could it be to good to be true? She said she would call me today, should i wait to see if she calls me? Im so nervous and don't know what to do or say. I want to see if she likes me or not. I get really nervous around her and i get scared that im going to say something stupid or do something to turn her off. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life and im really unsure on how to act around her. She is everything i have always dreamed about in a female and i don't want to lose her. Its like my mind goes blank when im around her and im scared that maybe she doesn't like me. Can anyone give me an insight on how i can stop being so nervous and how i can find out if she likes me?
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SHE CALLED!!!!!!!! oh my gosh im in love!!! This is like a dream come true!!! SHE IS SO CRONIC!!!!!!! Thanx everyone for your advise!! Im going to take things slow and im going to diplay much confidence when im around her. DAMN, SHE IS "DA BOMB!!"


Thanx again everyone.


~Bobby Dygytul~ doodoodoodoodoodoodoodoooo!!!!!!!

ok, i met this girl over the internet. She asked me if i had a pic. and i said yes and i sent it to her. She said she like it and when i asked her for hers, she said she didn't have one right now but she could get one for me. Aiight, i was thinking in my mind,"she's probably fat and ugly". So we exchanged phone number and we started talking on the phone everyday. She has one of the best personalities of any girl i have ever met. I asking her a couple of times for a pic. and one day she finnally got one and sent it to me. When i went to open it, it kept giving me errors and it wouldn't let me open it. So then i was think she has got to be ugly. Well, we kept talking and yesturday we decided to meet somewhere and go out for some dinner. I was kinda nevous and was thinking that i probably was going to get stuck with some horrifying female for the rest of the night. We met at a local restaraunt. Well she pulled up in her car (2000 mustang GT convertible) she was absolutly the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. Im not exactly the best looking guy in the world but im certainly not the uglyest. I have dated lots of different females but none of them even compares to this girl. She could probably go out and get any guy she wanted. Im thinking in my mind right now, there is got to be some kinda catch. I got butterflys in my stomach when i seen her. When we parted for the nite, she told me to call her when i got home. So i called her and she said to me "i told you i was ugly" and of course im like "no your not, i thing you look good." My question is, could it be to good to be true? She said she would call me today, should i wait to see if she calls me? Im so nervous and don't know what to do or say. I want to see if she likes me or not. I get really nervous around her and i get scared that im going to say something stupid or do something to turn her off. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life and im really unsure on how to act around her. She is everything i have always dreamed about in a female and i don't want to lose her. Its like my mind goes blank when im around her and im scared that maybe she doesn't like me. Can anyone give me an insight on how i can stop being so nervous and how i can find out if she likes me?
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OMG!!! You are SO excited! I envy you Bobby- or rather the feelings you are having- cherish them- this is the most fun part of the relationship. Not to say that there isn't good to come- but THIS is the "exciting" part. Have fun- and don't be soooo excited that you freak her out- like you haven't ever been on a date before! hehehe


Thanks for letting us know! Keep us updated! Jenna

SHE CALLED!!!!!!!! oh my gosh im in love!!! This is like a dream come true!!! SHE IS SO CRONIC!!!!!!! Thanx everyone for your advise!! Im going to take things slow and im going to diplay much confidence when im around her. DAMN, SHE IS "DA BOMB!!"


Thanx again everyone. ~Bobby Dygytul~ doodoodoodoodoodoodoodoooo!!!!!!!


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