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I just don't understand what you need

Tony T

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In my previous post above, I asked for more details or the whereabouts of your original post. I obviously read your Sept. 14 post because I stated it was vague. I do not understand it. I do not understand what you need. I want to help.


If you want to be childish and make a post saying people don't care, you are free to do so. That you made such a post may be indicative of a personality problem you have that may be the source of other problems you have.


But if you want to be an adult and state your problem very clearly and specifically, I am extremely delighted to help. You can never say I don't care because I answer virtually every post. Scroll down and look.


The ONLY reason I don't answer a post is if someone has already answered and I have nothing to ad...or, in your case, I just don't understand what you are seeking.


I consider myself fairly intelligent and can work off of the bare minimum, but I am really sorry...I just don't know what you need. If you will just repost again and be very very specific with your questions, use complete thoughts and paragraphs, take your time, I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE the opportunity to help you.

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No, I am not crazy. The above post was directed to Carmel but she either withdrew her posts while I was posting the reply to her or they were taken down by the webmaster.


Of course, whoever...left my reply just meaninglessly dangling there like I was some sort of idiot. Sorry, actually I am that sometimes but not in this case.

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