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what's wrong with me???


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i'm 16 and i've never had a boyfriend. i've asked 8 guys out inmy life and they all said no. the thing that really bugs me is that i was pretty good friends with them. after i asked them, every single on said no and never talked to me again. i don't know why we couldn't just be friends. no one has ever asked me. I've decided not to ask any more people out. they can come to me from now on if they like me. all my friends tell me i'm pretty. everyone says i look like kate winslet and i think she's gorgeous so i don't understand why i don't attract guys. i don't have a bad attitude or anything cause i'm friends with guys. and i don't come off as desperate or anything. it's just that i would really like a boyfriend and all of my friends have or have had one at least. they all say, " oh you'll have one some day. you probably haven't met the right person yet." i don't know about that. what do you think?

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i'm 16 and i've never had a boyfriend. i've asked 8 guys out inmy life and they all said no. the thing that really bugs me is that i was pretty good friends with them. after i asked them, every single on said no and never talked to me again. i don't know why we couldn't just be friends. no one has ever asked me. I've decided not to ask any more people out. they can come to me from now on if they like me. all my friends tell me i'm pretty. everyone says i look like kate winslet and i think she's gorgeous so i don't understand why i don't attract guys. i don't have a bad attitude or anything cause i'm friends with guys. and i don't come off as desperate or anything. it's just that i would really like a boyfriend and all of my friends have or have had one at least. they all say, " oh you'll have one some day. you probably haven't met the right person yet." i don't know about that. what do you think?

Have you ever heard of "pretty girl syndrome?" It's where a girl is actually pretty enough the everyone assumes that they already have a girlfriend. Possibly you have that problem.

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Probably you don't think that you come across as desparate, but the fact that you're here means that you are and it's gonna show! Trust me on this one! I've been through it myself and the reason your friends aren't willing to go out with you is because they don't want to...which means that they are not meant for you. Think of it this way. The guys that are willing to go out with you are the ones who can truly recognize your great qualities and they're the ones who have the courage to ask you out...which means that they are strong enough to "handle" your greatness. Sounds narcissistic? It's not. Women have to get used to the idea that they are worth more than what the men/society try to tell them how worthy they are. Apparantly, your guy friends are not recognizing your quality as a great girlfriend enough--meaning that they are either not mature enough, or that they are plain laim dudes...


don't get so desparate...love comes at the most unexpected time.

i'm 16 and i've never had a boyfriend. i've asked 8 guys out inmy life and they all said no. the thing that really bugs me is that i was pretty good friends with them. after i asked them, every single on said no and never talked to me again. i don't know why we couldn't just be friends. no one has ever asked me. I've decided not to ask any more people out. they can come to me from now on if they like me. all my friends tell me i'm pretty. everyone says i look like kate winslet and i think she's gorgeous so i don't understand why i don't attract guys. i don't have a bad attitude or anything cause i'm friends with guys. and i don't come off as desperate or anything. it's just that i would really like a boyfriend and all of my friends have or have had one at least. they all say, " oh you'll have one some day. you probably haven't met the right person yet." i don't know about that. what do you think?
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i'm 16 and i've never had a boyfriend. i've asked 8 guys out inmy life and they all said no. the thing that really bugs me is that i was pretty good friends with them. after i asked them, every single on said no and never talked to me again. i don't know why we couldn't just be friends. no one has ever asked me. I've decided not to ask any more people out. they can come to me from now on if they like me. all my friends tell me i'm pretty. everyone says i look like kate winslet and i think she's gorgeous so i don't understand why i don't attract guys. i don't have a bad attitude or anything cause i'm friends with guys. and i don't come off as desperate or anything. it's just that i would really like a boyfriend and all of my friends have or have had one at least. they all say, " oh you'll have one some day. you probably haven't met the right person yet." i don't know about that. what do you think?

You are only sixteen. Don't worry love will find you.


I was married at only 18 and now really regret making that desision. I am now 21, divorced and a single mother of one trying to make ends meet. I spent the majority of my teen years chasing guys and now I realize that, when the time is right, the man you are looking for will find you. I know that sound so stupid but it is true. There are so many more things in life that are out there for you. Enjoy them while you can and you never know, some night when your are out hving the time of oyur life Mr. Wonderful may just appear before you.

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Probably you come across as agressive...who knows. Boys your age usually don't know what they want and even if they do, they're probably not mature enough to face uncomfortable situations with girls. I think that's why they can't be friends with you after you ask them out. That comes with maturity. The sad thing is that there are still a lot of men who don't reach that kind of maturity even until their 30s!


Anyway, the point is...don't worry. You WILL meet somebody who'll appreciate you as you are and please don't feel pressured just because your friends have boyfriends.

i'm 16 and i've never had a boyfriend. i've asked 8 guys out inmy life and they all said no. the thing that really bugs me is that i was pretty good friends with them. after i asked them, every single on said no and never talked to me again. i don't know why we couldn't just be friends. no one has ever asked me. I've decided not to ask any more people out. they can come to me from now on if they like me. all my friends tell me i'm pretty. everyone says i look like kate winslet and i think she's gorgeous so i don't understand why i don't attract guys. i don't have a bad attitude or anything cause i'm friends with guys. and i don't come off as desperate or anything. it's just that i would really like a boyfriend and all of my friends have or have had one at least. they all say, " oh you'll have one some day. you probably haven't met the right person yet." i don't know about that. what do you think?
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