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astrology question!!!! crush on Libra guy!

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*I understand a lot of people think astrology is stupid but I believe in it so please! Only serious responses!*


Me: Capricorn Sun

Aries Moon

Him: Libra Sun

? Moon



So, huge monster crush on Libra guy at work!!! He admittidly told me a few weeks after starting the job that he thought I was attractive and told that to our mutual friend. A few weeks later while grabbing a drink after work, he asked me if I knew "any friends like me because you are my ideal girl, inndependent, confident, attractive and smart." I responded by asking why? He said because of our work relationship, maybe not a good idea. At the time I was fine with that.


Some time passes... Now me just simply liking him has turned into a full blown crush! Big time! We "did the deed" as they say ;) and nothing was awkward or anything at work thank god! We were actually both glowing! He continues to flirt with me at work and he's super sweet!

The catch??: He told me after the deed that he "Wasn't good with relationships and actually sucks at them soooooo yeah....." but as I said, still super flirty! Soooo...???


My question is: I understand Libra's are notorious for taking their time and don't like to be pushed into a relationship. They in fact, can have a very large time period between relationships and do a lot of testing the waters before they commit. Which ideally is what a capricorn does too in relationships. Slowly but surely. So should I stick it out and see if he will commit or from what you hear is it over and done, move on??


HELP! Libras or those who know them well!!!

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I don't believe in astrology - but if I did, I could find all over the Internets that Capricorn and Libra are not supposed to make a successful couple.


So, if you really do like this guy, I suggest approaching him without the astrology angle in mind. Or, quit while you're ahead.

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