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billy the kid

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I am a Union longshoreman. how did you guess my age? What do you do? I really don't like my job it's just all the benifits that keep me here, otherwise I would move to Alaska.


So people don't eat greens over there? and yes it is great to have seafood any time you have the craving. I really don't care for the climate, always hot and humid. You break a sweat just walking to your car, and that is at seven in the morning or noon.


All males on both sides of my family get cancer, but with new break throughs I may break the mold. do you have any siblings? and I guess no children? Have you ever been married?


T.H. my dog is an out side dog. when we go camping he likes to sleep on my feet. We have ticks but I have never found any on him.


Geez you ask what I long for??? I'll have to think on that one at the moment I can't think of a thing. Most of my friends are married. when we get together it is usually for out side things, crabing, fishing on the beach, out door cook outs those sort of things.Thanks for the compliment I will miss talking with you over the weekend also. Now don't make a federal case out of that statement Tony.


Taressa think about this one over the weekend. How do you personally know when your in love? And how do you show it?


well if we don't talk again today Have a great weekend.


needless to say of course you'll be in my thoughts.


Oh yea I got my orders to report to Langley next week.

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Copied from a previous post...

what if you never found true love but wanted to? and less say you were 39.

...That's how I guessed your age.


Longshoreman, what a beautiful name for a job. From Frank McCourt's book ('Tis)? it sounds like pretty hard work. Do you live near the ocean then Billy? I'm thinking longshoremen do heavy cargo work for large ships, right?


Alaska? You weren't kidding about mountains and cold. Would you choose an Alaskan city or the wilderness to live in? Are you the rustic cabin or more of a house type man?


I wear three career hats: Best-paying and, therfore, most time-involving is accounting. I'm doing consulting work right now which, beteen duties, has allowed me lots of time to visit the loveshack. I also do freelance writing. Most of that writing pertains to public relations work for church so it tends to pay nothing at all. My greatest joy is music and the time I spend playing with our band and orchestra at church. My dad recently talked to me about joining the musician's union so I could do session work... sounds interesting.


Siblings. Yes; I'm the middle kid. I've got an older brother who lives in Michigan and a younger sister who lives just across town. We're a pretty close family and get together at least once a week. I'm excited for a trip coming up next weekend. For Mom & Dad's 40th anniversary we're all meeting at my brother's and driving out for weekend camping and 4-wheeling at Wolverine, Michigan. Can't wait!


Greens never made it into the city. Neighbors out near my grandparent's farm in SW Missouri eat them, however. I guess they're considered country cookin' food around here.


Is the cancer threat ever far from your mind? Is it a cancer that you can prevent or catch with early diagnosis? I'm sorry to hear about it... there must be lots of sorrow left unsaid in that sentence about it attacking males on both sides of your family.


Your friends sound like a good group to be around. Your life involves more freedom than most people achieve. Horses, beaches, crabbing... You sound like a vacation brochure.


Our weekend is forecast to be very mild. I've got to check in on my grandma at the nursing home and then I'm heading to the farm alone. Saturday evening I'll either be reading Pablo Neruda poetry on the front porch or roasting hot dogs over the fire. It will be lovely.


On porch or by fire, I'll be considering your latest question. It's nice to know you'll be keeping me company once again.


Thank you for a lovely week.


Good night, Billy, until Monday,

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Good morning, Billy.


My what a beautiful weekend we had! It was absolutely gorgeous being at the farm, working in the garden, and hiking around a bit. About 3pm I suddenly got very tired so I took an old blanket and napped in the sunshine. Very luxurious, lovely weekend.

Taressa think about this one over the weekend. How do you personally know when your in love? And how do you show it?

The love I've known has suddenly sprang out of a special friendship. I enjoy searching the depths of my friends; when someone searches the depths of me and takes pleasure in that, my heart binds him to me.


As to how I know it's love, I believe it has always been bound to a special event, some kind of turning point in which passion flares and I suddenly realize this man-friend means much more to me than my other friends. Part of it is a sexual attraction, but part of it is a sudden realization that this person is someone to cherish for a lifetime.


In expressing the love, I become physically affectionate. I love holding hands, cuddling, and just being close. I take pleasure in catching his eye across the room and feeling the sparks that fly.


I express love by placing priority & importance on him. I make time for him, keep company with him, and include him in the important people and things in my life.


I express love by showing concern in the things that concern him, and by giving my energy and strength to help him. His dreams become my hope too.


I express love by telling him I love him, by keeping romance alive, by treating him respectfully, and by expressing my desire for him.


Same questions for you now Billy...

How do you personally know when your in love? And how do you show it?

I hope your weekend was beautiful also.

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well I have spent the afternoon thinking about your question and it would be really hard to explain it better than you did, I would add that my heart is much happier when I am in love. I don't think i am being fair in my answer, but to just copie what you said isn't fair either. so let me think about it for a couple of days.

Good morning, Billy. My what a beautiful weekend we had! It was absolutely gorgeous being at the farm, working in the garden, and hiking around a bit. About 3pm I suddenly got very tired so I took an old blanket and napped in the sunshine. Very luxurious, lovely weekend. The love I've known has suddenly sprang out of a special friendship. I enjoy searching the depths of my friends; when someone searches the depths of me and takes pleasure in that, my heart binds him to me. As to how I know it's love, I believe it has always been bound to a special event, some kind of turning point in which passion flares and I suddenly realize this man-friend means much more to me than my other friends. Part of it is a sexual attraction, but part of it is a sudden realization that this person is someone to cherish for a lifetime. In expressing the love, I become physically affectionate. I love holding hands, cuddling, and just being close. I take pleasure in catching his eye across the room and feeling the sparks that fly. I express love by placing priority & importance on him. I make time for him, keep company with him, and include him in the important people and things in my life. I express love by showing concern in the things that concern him, and by giving my energy and strength to help him. His dreams become my hope too. I express love by telling him I love him, by keeping romance alive, by treating him respectfully, and by expressing my desire for him. Same questions for you now Billy... I hope your weekend was beautiful also.
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