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I dont kno if he likes me or if its all a game .Please help me.I DONT KNOW WHAT TO Do

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Im all confused and need some adivice badly..


IM sorri that its so long..but i need someone to hear the whole story


okay..well..the other weeknd i was at a friends place..me and this oter guy crawled under a blanket together as it was so cold..(we have shared a blanket many times before..so i didnt think nething of it)..anyways..earlier that night..we had a really deep and meaning full conversation (ive only just lost a whole heap of weight) ...how i wasnt fat ect ect..he said that i was very pretty ..but he said that he liked me as a friend...anyways later on wen we were under the blanket..he grabbed onto my feet and put them in his lap..he started rubbing them a bit...he put his head on my shoulder and said 'im only doin this to anoy u' ...


about 30 mins later..i was just about to fall asleep..wen he stated blowing in my ear..i looked at him and he had this puppy dog look on his face...(he was stillrubbing my feet..but his hand moved up my leg a little) ..he whispered that he really did like me..ect ect



Now for my problem ...im not sure if this guy is for real as he was drinking (so was i)..but he remembered everythign he had said and did the nxt morning...(he reminded me that he rmebered everything)


was he flirting with me?..cause im still really new to all this ..cause in all honesty ive neva even done so much as Pash a guy...


I really need some advice on wat someone else thinks...im desperate and clueless..please help me ...


P.S im so sorri it was so long :(




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Do you know if this guy is available? It sounds like he's definately flirting with you and he meant what he said because he's the one that confirmed the conversation you two had the night before.

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Hey christa..thanx for replying..yep he is 100% avaliable..ive been mates with him for a while so yea...thanx for your reply though :)

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