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How to Cope When I See Her Everyday?


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My ex-girlfriend and I broke up at the end of this summer. Long story short, she told me over text, in these words, "I think I dont like you anymore," ending our year long relationship and crushing my heart. Since then, I've begged, I've tried to be friends with her, and she even admitted that she still loved me and we tried a friends with benefits approach since she didnt want a relationship. This has been going on 2 months after the breakup and well now its all in shambles.


In the end, however, she leaves me completely, but now the situation is, how the hell do I move on when I see her everyday at school? She's in over half my classes and I all I do is just look at her and it makes me want to just run away. I cant stand this pain of seeing that she seems happy while I'm here crying hysterically on the inside of how much I miss her and love her. She doesn't talk to me and I don't have the heart or courage to go up to her and talk because I know thats not what she wants.


So, I need some advice, how can I move forward when all I have is this urge to go up to her and beg for her to come back or atleast talk to me?

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I even find myself on facebook and infront of my phone HOPING for something, some indication that I am still something to her, that I was genuinely head over heals for her.



GAH =(

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Well, I do not see my ex daily, but I do see him quite often, as we are in the same tight knit crew. It sucks, I wont lie. It is probably the worst part of it all. An ex, in most cases, is better left unseen. It has def prolonged my healing, but I am getting there. I have to hang with him and his new gf too, and that sucks! I am still hurt, angry, etc...and he just hasn't cared since the day he left me. It is def gna take awhile to get used to see your ex- but you will. It wont mean it wont hurt like hell tho. I see him now, and frankly, it has gotten to the point where we don't speak, it is just better that way. I have too much emotion to say anything, and he has moved on. The only advice I can give, and which I wish I woulda realized sooner is to keep your distance..meaning when you see her, just don't say anything. If she says hi, say hi back, but leave it at that. Spare yourself any extra pain. Good luck, I know it really is awful when you are stuck staring your pain and hurt in the face on a regular basis.

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This is beyond painful. I see her laughing and not having one regret about us and I literally cant get those images out of my head. I really just want to run away and transfer schools but I cant....

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This is beyond painful. I see her laughing and not having one regret about us and I literally cant get those images out of my head. I really just want to run away and transfer schools but I cant....


I know- it is like that extra pain of watching them be happy, move on, etc....there are just certain things that we dont need to see or know, as if we arent hurting enough. I would love to not see hi maain, but what am I supposed to do, not have a social life!? Sadly, sometime we cant "run" from it so easily. Just hang in there, you are amongst the few of us that are stuck seeing the ex all to often. Eventaully you will get used to it, it will still be an awful reminder when you see her, but it will dull, I promise. And another tip, dont let your ex know how bothered you are, having experienced this, as much hurt and pain your in, dont led on bc usually they still dont care....keep your chin up!

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It is beyond hard for me to avoid her. The amount of mutual close friends we have is staggering and there ALWAYS comes a point where we would have talked at a certain moment, but instead she doesnt even look my way or acknowledge me. In those moments, its like a little piece of me just falls out.

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It is beyond hard for me to avoid her. The amount of mutual close friends we have is staggering and there ALWAYS comes a point where we would have talked at a certain moment, but instead she doesnt even look my way or acknowledge me. In those moments, its like a little piece of me just falls out.



Ahh, same here. We no joke have like 50 mutual friends, go to all the same events, places ,etc..it cant get much worse!! And his gf is at all these as well :mad: . The jerk has no idea how much strength it takes for me to be around all this! I kinda chose not to talk to him at such events...I just interact with others there. It is hard- it hurts like heck that you see her, and she says nothing, and acts like nothing happened...all whist your in agony inside. I think it is the worst part when you are stuck seeing them..and they dont care how hard it is for you. You go from being so important, to nothing. But like my ex- yours doesnt sound all that mature here. Knowing you have to see each other, and this is hard for you, you'd think a little compassion on her part would come into play. Maybe it is better you dont speak - it might cause you more hurt. I have learned over the past few months in this situation that it hurts a lot less to just pretend he is "dead".

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Haha, see whats eating me inside is that at this moment, right now, it's me being miserable and fearing that its going to be just like this until the day I leave for college or until school ends or something. But, as of now, I cant take it.

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