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Around what age do women start to become less desirable


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A woman's prime age is from 18-26. After that its going downhill.


That is 100% pure-D bull. Some of the hottest women out there are late bloomers in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.

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I'm 47 now. My avatar pic is one of me taken last year.


I keep trying to find a way to make it larger; there must be a program online or something...

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A woman's prime age is from 18-26. After that its going downhill.


A smart woman will hurry to find a partner to settle with as soon as she comes of age because thats when she is at her most beautiful stage and able to attract the highest 'bidder' while a smart man will hold on until his late 20s or early 30s to find a partner to settle with because by that time a man should already be financially secure thus more able to attract better looking women.



That is the DUMBEST thing I have ever read. Thats all I will say.

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Here are some kick-butt women in the getting 'old' department...


Dara Torres. 41 when she placed Number ONE in the WORLD for swimming... beating out her 20-something competitors.


I LOVE this woman... and all 'older' athletes!!




Sharon Stone (plus 49 others over 50).




Personally I think Sharon Stone is past her best, and has been for a while (sorry Sharon). However, her best was very good, and she's still hot. ;)


I wasn't familiar with Dara Torres, but she looks great in that photo!

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That is the DUMBEST thing I have ever read. Thats all I will say.


He's written over 2000 other posts. Are you sure you really found the dumbest one? ;)

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I'm 37 but get hit on my 20 something guys. My 15 year old neighbor even told me that he has a crush on me. So, I think it's a very individual thing. If a woman takes care of herself, maybe dresses with class, but with a sexy edge, and above all has confidence, they can can be hot well past 90 as far as I'm concerned. Ever see the TV show Alias? Lena Olin is in the 2nd season. I hope I'm that hot when I'm in my 50s.

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Around what age do women start to become less desirable


IMO, it's entirely individual. From my age perspective, I see no definable trends.


At your age, OP, you apparently define 'desirable' by exterior facets. Life's journey will offer you different perspectives to entertain and different individuals to exemplify those perspectives.


As an example, at my age, those people who prioritize exterior facets as being the preponderance of desirable will do that. Good-looking people will be their priority and they will prioritize looks in themselves. It will be a focus. They are individuals. Their perspective applies only to them and is not binding upon you or I.


Enjoy your 20's. It's a great time for growth and adventure. :)

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Oh Lord ! I'm 44 and my live in BF who is madly in love with me is 28 ! I get hit on CONSTANTLY at work, it's become a joke around the place that " Melody gets more game than anyone ever has in the 12 yrs they've been in business".


I think it's all attitude, warmth, a sparkle in your eyes and a devilish smile.


Of course long blonde hair and being a size 2 probably helps matters, but if I didn't have the "sparkle" I doubt I'd get the same amount of attention.


Chin up, and smile, smile, smile !:D


Nope, no need to be blond and a size 2.


I'm a size 8 and a brunette and, lately, whenever I walk around my neighborhood men blatantly flirt with me/ hit on me / check me out. The main reason is this: I'm so happy lately about my job and about my life that I walk around with a silly grin on my face. I think I radiate well-being and that's what men find that attractive. I probably also appear approachable.


In fact, it's been proven. This month's issue of Psychology Today reported that men show a strong bias for women who smile. Men love smiles.


So I repeat, for the OP, go out there, get out of your shell and start smiling at cute guys. You can thank me later.

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I keep trying to find a way to make it larger; there must be a program online or something...


That's what 'she' said... ha ha


(copy/paste into your favorite graphics editor). LS requires small, low res images...


Do it soon, cause I'm taking it down.. Others will testify that I'm weird about pics of me online. I just put it up to prove a point.

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Threadjack -



TAL, the picture is amazing. I can't believe you are 47. Not just because you look beautiful (your feet, legs and torso, anyway) but because you just recently went on pointe. It's so cool that you've done it at this stage of your life. I've never met anyone who's done that. I hope you are having a blast.


I had to stop dancing of all kinds; I was in a serious car accident in 1986 that suddenly halted my career. I'm actually just about ready to get my ankle fused, but I'm resisting because there is such a long downtime from weight bearing that I'm not sure how I will handle the very physical requirements of my life here on the farm during recuperation.

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That's what 'she' said... ha ha


(copy/paste into your favorite graphics editor). LS requires small, low res images...


Do it soon, cause I'm taking it down.. Others will testify that I'm weird about pics of me online. I just put it up to prove a point.


Well, it's good to know that it only requires small, difficult to see pictures. This way I could put up something of me shirtless and flexing, and no one would be able to tell who I really am. (It's like the old days of the internet, when there was some anonymity.)


Anyway, from what I can see: nice.

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IMO, it's entirely individual. From my age perspective, I see no definable trends.


At your age, OP, you apparently define 'desirable' by exterior facets. Life's journey will offer you different perspectives to entertain and different individuals to exemplify those perspectives.


As an example, at my age, those people who prioritize exterior facets as being the preponderance of desirable will do that. Good-looking people will be their priority and they will prioritize looks in themselves. It will be a focus. They are individuals. Their perspective applies only to them and is not binding upon you or I.


Enjoy your 20's. It's a great time for growth and adventure. :)


At 32 I feel way more confident than I ever did in my twenties.;)

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Personally I think Sharon Stone is past her best, and has been for a while (sorry Sharon). However, her best was very good, and she's still hot. ;)


I wasn't familiar with Dara Torres, but she looks great in that photo!


I was really impressed with Dara after hearing her interview on NPR. She claims to have trained half as much as her competition, and I believe her. She talked about recovery time taking longer, and the need to not miss even a single session.


She attributes her success to being calm under pressure and with experience. Nice, huh?


I feel the same way about my ballet. My younger counterparts have fewer wrinkles... and there are a few things physically they can do that I can't (only because a few of them have been doing ballet longer than me... not because of age). I'd like to think I make up for it with passion and expression... which I'm told I'm quite good at.


Here... check this out... Incredible. She's 61. I'm not here to say she's 'hot'.. just saying that beauty has no limits...



I came across another one featuring a 90 yr old dancer who can still do splits. If I didn't know she was 90, she wouldn't strike me as a dancer older than her 40's. There are women in their 20's who can't dance like her.

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Oh Lord ! I'm 44 and my live in BF who is madly in love with me is 28 ! I get hit on CONSTANTLY at work, it's become a joke around the place that " Melody gets more game than anyone ever has in the 12 yrs they've been in business".


I think it's all attitude, warmth, a sparkle in your eyes and a devilish smile.


Of course long blonde hair and being a size 2 probably helps matters, but if I didn't have the "sparkle" I doubt I'd get the same amount of attention.


Chin up, and smile, smile, smile !:D



I'm not even close to a size 2 and I get my share of attention. I don't think you have to be a specific size. If you dress with class and are confident, you shine.


Women come in all shapes and sizes and there are men for each one.

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Y'all can say what you want but reality doesnt lie.


The fact is that a woman's most valuable trait is her beauty while a man's most valuable trait is his wealth. Beautiful women and rich men will always get to pick the cream of the crop.

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Threadjack -



TAL, the picture is amazing. I can't believe you are 47. Not just because you look beautiful (your feet, legs and torso, anyway) but because you just recently went on pointe. It's so cool that you've done it at this stage of your life. I've never met anyone who's done that. I hope you are having a blast.


I had to stop dancing of all kinds; I was in a serious car accident in 1986 that suddenly halted my career. I'm actually just about ready to get my ankle fused, but I'm resisting because there is such a long downtime from weight bearing that I'm not sure how I will handle the very physical requirements of my life here on the farm during recuperation.


I am having a blast... and TBH, I have my 80 something kick-butt ballet teacher to thank for giving me a chance. I've had to coax her a bit here and there to prove I won't hurt myself... but she sees me put in the time and perform when put to the test. Not many teachers will give an older adult a chance. She's a real gem!


Very sorry to hear about your ankle and your dancing! I'm counting my blessings every day I can go to a class...


Having a farm must be wonderful! When you said you had sheep I paid attention. I used to have a border collie (put down for a brain tumor)... always wished I had some recreational sheep for her to chase around :)

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I believe that women tend to be the most attractive (and desirable) at one point in their lives: some are only attractive because of their youth whereas other women 'grow into' their looks and are more desirable when they get older.


I think that as long as you take care of yourself and feel good about yourself, someone somewhere will find you attractive. The occasional ego boost isn't necessarily unhealthy but I don't think one should focus on collecting admirers though.

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Y'all can say what you want but reality doesnt lie.


The fact is that a woman's most valuable trait is her beauty while a man's most valuable trait is his wealth. Beautiful women and rich men will always get to pick the cream of the crop.


yea, yea, yea...


Perhaps you should spend less time on LS and more time making $$ if you believe that... How's that for a suggestion??

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Y'all can say what you want but reality doesnt lie.


The fact is that a woman's most valuable trait is her beauty while a man's most valuable trait is his wealth. Beautiful women and rich men will always get to pick the cream of the crop.


a most amusing viewpoint. and there was me thinking the most valuable trait to posess was something to do with whats on the inside. silly, silly me :laugh:

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I turn 28 in December and am beginning to feel as if I am far past my prime. I've always been introverted and have suffered with low self-esteem, but even despite that, I got far more attention from guys when I was in my early 20s than I ever did 25+. The guy I am interested in (who is exactly my age) treats me like a male friend and shows no interest, when in my early 20s I couldn't seem to have a guy friend who WASN'T interested in me to some degree. And I was just as shy (if not more so actually) and insecure as I am now. I haven't gained a lot of weight and don't think I've changed that drastically physically, but apparently I must have, especially reading various opinions online from men stating that women start losing their looks after 25, and most men seem to prefer women 18-22. Would most men on this site agree with that? What age do you feel women start becoming less desirable? I'm wondering if I should start settling at this point and becoming less picky.

28 is still young, and if you were attractive in your early 20s, chances are you are still as attractive, unless you've put on weight or something has changed. I'd say your problems may be more about your self esteem issues and your insecurity, and that is what is putting you in the friendzone and not attracting a mate. I'd work on those issues if I were you. It is true that younger women have more of a selection of men available, since men in their early 20s are usually single. Once you get in your late 20s, the field is narrowed. A lot of men have married by that time. I've known several women, work collegues, relatives, friends, who were beautiful women, but for some reason, their relationships didn't work out, and in their late 20s and early 30s, they realized that if they want a marriage and family, or LTR, they are going to have to consider the average joes and widen their dating pool that has narrowed because of age. All of those women are now either married or in a LTR with an average joe. I know some people would say you should never compromise, but if your personality/insecurity is holding you back, you may have to if people are considering that a deal breaker for them. I would suggest working on your insecurity/personality issues first, preferably with a counselor, and in the meantime, you may want to consider giving that average joe a second glance. Some are diamonds in the rough and would make an excellent husband or bf. And as far as what age do women become less attractive, you will find attractive people at almost any age. It depends on the person, not the age. Cameron Diaz is 39 and is still smoking hot. Demi Moore is, I think, mid or late 40s. Hot, attractive women come in many ages and it depends a lot on genetics and how they take care of themselves. If you were attractive in your early 20s, you probably still are, but the dating pool has narrowed quite a bit. That is the reason you are not seeing as much attention. And the reason you aren't in a relationship currently may be your insecurity/personality issues. You need to work on those, and then widen the pool of men you would consider just a bit.

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a most amusing viewpoint. and there was me thinking the most valuable trait to posess was something to do with whats on the inside. silly, silly me :laugh:


Oh no! Happy relationships are based on superficial traits. Who cares what you talk about over dinner or how someone supports you after a rough day? What matters most is that one looks good and the other is rich. The proof is in the pudding, Musemaj is one of the happiest, most serene, poster on LS, who is in a happy fulfilling relationship.

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Y'all can say what you want but reality doesnt lie.


The fact is that a woman's most valuable trait is her beauty while a man's most valuable trait is his wealth. Beautiful women and rich men will always get to pick the cream of the crop.



Words spoken by a true Tool.

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This thread is ridiculous.


I'm a 29 year-old guy, and I can honestly say: I'm attracted to fit women. It has almost absolutely nothing to do with age, and (here's a secret) this is true of most men. Guys would rather date someone fit and attractive than date someone at a specified age range. More hints:


A. Men don't notice "wrinkles" - you notice them on yourselves. We don't care about them.

B. We don't know what you looked like when you were ~23, and we probably didn't care.

C. I'm actually very interested in women around the 30 year-old range who are in good shape, because to me this means they always will be.


This is coming from a tall, muscular guy in his late twenties with a good job. I don't go for the really low twenties (my previous fiance is ~26) and, as I said, I'm more interested in trying to figure out how a girl might look when she's forty or so. This is because a healthy lifestyle and fitness are really important to me - so that's what I'm looking for.


As with all things, the answer varies. Yes, yes, I'm sure the natural bio-oils in your epidermis start to depreciate around ~25, which is also the year that the proteins in your hair start to lose their luster, and, oh, a few wrinkles appear...


It doesn't matter! Workout and stay healthy, you'll have men fawning over you. I'd seriously date a forty year-old partner at my firm, because she's smoking hot and probably will be until she's 60 (and she works-out and eats healthy all the time).


This is how I see the women around me, and from what I've seen from the guys, believe it to be true for them as well.

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