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Around what age do women start to become less desirable


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Elysian Powder
It is rare stuff for aging people to keep their looks.


Though in my experience women can keep their looks more than men can. Thank goodness most women have other factors weighing in for physical attraction other than looks so men have a huge slide on that area. :laugh:


Most guys lose their hair quite soon and that's a big deterrent to maintaining their former looks. Maybe if we took the bald gene out of the genetic pool, that'd help more future men to stay their looks, longer. You dunno how bad I feel when I see completely bald guys in their 30s and with kids. I think that men should look out for the happiness of their children. Maybe that means not having children to stop that gene responsible for baldness to survive in one more generation.


Maybe that's why these teen boys use those haircuts; to compensate for the baldness that will come soon enough.


Anyway, I think that, if men had a consistent workout and didn't eat garbage food, most of them would still be attractive well into their 40's. My doctor is a short, very bald, and very obese man, but he's also a renowned doctor so, no need for (average)looks, lol.

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Most guys lose their hair quite soon

Yes they do I've noticed how many American guys are in their 20s and are already balding :sick:


Anyway, I think that, if men had a consistent workout and didn't eat garbage food, most of them would still be attractive well into their 40's.

The exercise and healthy diet would work for women too. Only addition is that since mens wrinkles get called character women should have a skin care regimen using retionol, antioxidant, and peptides to prevent and reduce wrinkles.

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Elysian Powder
Thank goodness most women have other factors weighing in for physical attraction other than looks so men have a huge slide on that area.


yeah, but it relies on the woman's age. Teen girls aren't looking for Mr.sensitive; young women(18-25)aren't that much bothered about the guy's lack of job if he's hot enough. It's mostly once a woman enters the nestling stage of her life that she begins to look at the man's multiple facets. Ironically that won't stop the women from staring at/lusting for the men who are eye candy but don't hold in them the station in life that women want at the time(say, a doctor), and many are putting out while in a relationship with the good guy, the man with the resources or whatever it is she wants at the moment.


Works fine by me. No one can be both Alpha and Beta at the same time.

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Elysian Powder

White men are hairy during 25 years but somehow they start balding at the age of 28, maybe sooner. I know a guy in his early 20's with Bruce Willis hairstyle(the recent one). It could have something to do with stress, but African men and Asian men very rarely bald, so a balding gene must be involved in all of this. You see, if the economy ain't busting up a barber's income, the genetics of the white man does it for him :lmao:.

The exercise and healthy diet would work for women too. Only addition is that since mens wrinkles get called character women should have a skin care regimen using retionol, antioxidant, and peptides to prevent and reduce wrinkles.


People want to look good but the work it takes demotes them from taking action, in most cases, yet they should because working out not only makes them look good; they feel good, and their body lives longer.


I think people take their looks for granted. They come out of their teen years with a body that can metabolize anything and support anything, but they fail to understand how the human body works; it's state is not permanent, gotta develop it to stay with those looks.


I dunno about that. Younger men tease older men too. In my coffee shop, a bunch of old men gather every night, and we call them egg heads because they are all bald; one or two are in their 30's and already so bald.

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yeah, but it relies on the woman's age. Teen girls aren't looking for Mr.sensitive; young women(18-25)aren't that much bothered about the guy's lack of job if he's hot enough. It's mostly once a woman enters the nestling stage of her life that she begins to look at the man's multiple facets.


That hasn't been my experience. When young most go for looks and put personality second only difference is that young women go for looks but willing to tweak a bit for personality...keyword a bit.


As for the nesting I don't see it as beginning to see a man's multiple facets but rather willing to sacrifice or substitute or tweak a bit more for other areas like a juggling act.


Quite amusing still that most women have multiple facets in attraction yet for most guys it's mainly looks.


Ironically that won't stop the women from staring at/lusting for the men who are eye candy but don't hold in them the station in life that women want at the time(say, a doctor)


How is that ironic? Plenty of guys with gfs and wives still lust after other women or have eye candy. That's human nature.


It's no different from a guy checking out a hot girl but not building a relationship with her because of her sexual reputation.



and many are putting out while in a relationship with the good guy, the man with the resources or whatever it is she wants at the moment.


Not getting the irony. It's no different from a guy stayinig with a girl because she puts out or is hot because what he wants is sex or a tropy or trophy sex.


Human nature.

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People want to look good but the work it takes demotes them from taking action


True but I find that with most things. Most people want but usually aren't willing to work for that want.


I dunno about that. Younger men tease older men too. In my coffee shop, a bunch of old men gather every night, and we call them egg heads because they are all bald; one or two are in their 30's and already so bald.


The example you provided wasn't younger men teasing older men but more of men teasing bald men.


Only time I see older men teased are when they're chasing young/much younger girls and while degrading I just note the fact that it's usually out of jealousy and the guys not living their own male fantasy.

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Elysian Powder
That hasn't been my experience. When young most go for looks and put personality second only difference is that young women go for looks but willing to tweak a bit for personality...keyword a bit.


Partially. Women in their 30's still want an handsome man, but handsome men aren't that abundant and frankly, when it's this easy to have sex with attractive women( or average), most of the good-looking guys are going to replace their current girlfriend of fwb with a much younger woman, leaving the women in her late 20's and up, to change her requirements in a mate since she can't(usually) have something serious with the charming, good-looking man.


It balances out for when a woman was in her teens and early 20's, she rejected many men and only sought after the bad boy or the local patrick swayze.


I see a multitude of youngish women with older guys or with unattractive guys. I dunno if they manage to have sex with these guys. It strikes me as odd because they are still good-looking and when these young women had no worries in the world(when they were supported by dad and mom), the guys they dated were leaps and bounds more attractive than these guys. Honestly, I've seen a lot of these women sleeping with eye candy men.


The state should furnish women with resources so that:


1)They can continue dating/having sex with good-looking men

2)To keep the ugly/short/bald men away from the genetic pool.



As for the nesting I don't see it as beginning to see a man's multiple facets but rather willing to sacrifice or substitute or tweak a bit more for other areas like a juggling act.


Yes, but a relationship cannot survive if there's no sexual chemistry. This isn't the 19th century; open wide and think of england.


It could explain why so many women cheat. They aren't attracted to the men they're with. They married these guys because Jim Morrison or Keanu reeves would rather surf waves or hunt for their lost youth than settling down and marrying them.


Quite amusing still that most women have multiple facets in attraction yet for most guys it's mainly looks.


Not so much. Women expect a man to be of at least average height, and most women want a man to be 6 feet and more. Ideally nothing much above 6'6''. Muscles is another instant vagina-wetter for most. The former governor of California is ugly as only a sausage can be, and he had so many women, way before becoming rich or famous. Most of the guys I know who are successful with women have practicably moved their bed to their gym.


Dark hair is another trait that women love. Something about danger being associated with darkness and how it turns women on. enrique iglesias can't sing to save his life, but..


Tall. Dark skin. Dark eyes.Dark hair. Fit. Lots of women?


Most guys are attracted to nearly every woman. I once was with a woman, aged 18. perfect body. 3 years later she was flabby, her body lost it's firmness, her butt and boobs were probably saggy, but still she had a tall, good-looking boyfriend.


How is that ironic? Plenty of guys with gfs and wives still lust after other women or have eye candy. That's human nature.


But how many men can discard their girlfriends and instantly find another partner? Most women can do it.


It's no different from a guy checking out a hot girl but not building a relationship with her because of her sexual reputation.


A key that can open many locks is prized because a lock is designed to open to only one key. A lock that is opened by many keys is not much of a lock, now is it?

It's no different from a guy stayinig with a girl because she puts out or is hot because what he wants is sex or a tropy or trophy sex.


She gets to decide if she's going to put out or not. Men never know when they're being used or used as a placeholder until the bigger, better deal comes along. And I still don't understand how a guy can continue dating his ''gf'' when he sees her looking at other men like they're desserts.


I guess a gf is a rarity among these guys.

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Elysian Powder
Only time I see older men teased are when they're chasing young/much younger girls and while degrading I just note the fact that it's usually out of jealousy and the guys not living their own male fantasy.


We'll call them on their bs if they deserve it. Obviously staring at women young enough to be their granddaughter ranks it's own level of ridiculousness. Men in their 70's and visually molesting a 16 year old girl. Funny how quick they are to divert their eyes from the young women when a young man doesn't like what is happening. Their dentures must be expensive.


You know what I find most amusing? young men(15-25) not paying that much attention to the obviously attractive young woman, she's just a human being, but this disgusting old man thinks that he could ever get near a woman like that? LOL, how about giving attention to his wife and leaving young women to be desired and courted by young men.


I'm not teasing or putting the older man in his place out of jealously. I'm far closer to the young woman's age than any older man, and I think that such a pearl of beauty should be treated with the uttermost respect.

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Elysian Powder
Do you guys think I'm lucky to be in my thirties but a size 00? I actually don't diet believe it or not and don't work out fanatically (just yoga for now).


I was just born this way. Even though I don't exercise a lot my cholesterol and LDL are really good. I was just born with low cholesterol and a high metabolism.


I am not lying when I say that guys in high school hit on me because they think I'm their age. They can't tell that I am older because I dress young (skinny jeans etc) and because I'm tiny.


Yeah, you are pretty lucky. You can have the pick of the litter and you can even compete with younger women due to your life experience.

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Regarding the whole baldness discussion...


Getting bald is something to worry about. This IS something a lot of women are superficial about. I once saw a guy wearing a winter hat in the summer. With the hat he seemed to get lots of attention from girls/women. Then at some point some woman yelled he should take off his hat and he did, revealing a bald head under it. And you just heard the enthusiasm of like 30 women die down immediately. In the eyes of the women he went from hot to not. He didn't get a date that day, even though that was his intention.


Having seen THAT reaction from women, got me worried about ever getting bald.


So I started to take precautions to prevent that from happening. I'm not bald luckily. But I wouldn't like to get bald. I'd try to prevent it if I could.


So I looked up some stuff about balding online. It seems that stress hormone is one of the biggest factors in balding. The key is to lower your stress levels.

It can be done in several ways:


1. Avoid stress in general.

2. Exercise to lower your stress levels. (like for example long distance running)

3. Eat or drink foods that contain stress hormone blocking substances.


Exercise not only lowers your stress hormone levels, it also heightens your serotonin levels which also reduce stress.


One of the foods/drinks with the highest concentration anti-oxidants is green tea and white tea. White tea even more that green tea. The substances in the teas block stress hormone.


Here's the thing about that. Scientists did experiments on bald mice. They fed the mice green tea daily. After 1 month the mice got 30% of their hair back. Sounds like the miracle cure right? Wrong, there's a catch. The tea they gave the mice was 300 times as strong as your regular cup of green tea.


So here's what I did. I bought green tea AND I bought white tea. White tea has a concentration of anti-oxidants 3 times higher than green tea, but it has a different molecular build-up. So I cut open a tea bag of green tea and a tea bag of white tea and put it in a large spoon. Then swallowed the contents of the spoon and cleaned my mouth with water, because it is DISGUSTING.


I've been doing that for some while now. As I'm not bald, I have seen no difference, but I didn't start getting bald either. So I figured I'll just keep doing this, just to be sure you know. Also think about it. It's rare to see bald Asian natives right? Think about that, one thing Asians are big on is tea and green and white tea are big in Asia. So that might be an explanation for why you see less bald Asian men. Not that I think it's conclusive, but it sounds at least somewhat plausible I think.


Additionally you can use a shampoo containing ketaconazol. Which is known to reduce baldness by roughly 10%. So combined with the tea thing technically you could perhaps gain 40% of your hair back with these methods, but I don't know for sure. Mice are not men, so that has me doubting.


There's also a university that says to have developed a full cure for baldness with a substance called astressant. The thing is, this stuff is so new, that it will take years and years before it will even hit the market.


All this stuff should actually be tested on bald men rather than on mice in laboratories. I'm sure there are bald men out there that are willing to join such experiments for some cash and a chance to get their hair back.


If they have a cure for baldness they should get it on the market, it will make the owners of the company that starts selling it filthy filthy rich. I think all men would agree with me when I say we'd be willing to spend some cash on a cure to reverse baldness.

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Partially. Women in their 30's still want an handsome man, but handsome men aren't that abundant and frankly, when it's this easy to have sex with attractive women( or average), most of the good-looking guys are going to replace their current girlfriend of fwb with a much younger woman, leaving the women in her late 20's and up, to change her requirements in a mate since she can't(usually) have something serious with the charming, good-looking man.


:lmao: Awh another anti attractive man notion. Seems amusing that guys talk about how women use their advantages and blahing. When men seem to do the same exact thing and makes me wonder if all most guys are simply relationship material because they know they don't have the opportunities and advantage that attractive men have.



It balances out for when a woman was in her teens and early 20's, she rejected many men and only sought after the bad boy or the local patrick swayze.

More suckiness for women. They can only get personality while men can get personality and looks.


How is that a balance?:laugh:


if you're talking about power advantage..that still favors men.

Youth= men have advantage if rich, status, or have looks

Old= men have advantage if they are secure, rich, status, or have looks. As long as they are financially secure...not always rich...they can date young/much younger women.


Youth= women have advantage if they have looks

Old = women have slight advantage on their age group if they have looks


The only advantage women have over men is the ability to get sex easier without paying money.


Not so much. Women expect a man to be of at least average height, and most women want a man to be 6 feet and more. Ideally nothing much above 6'6''.

Not much difference than men who expect a certain weight and frame..petite with t*ts and a**.


Muscles is another instant vagina-wetter for most.

Not surprising since curves is an instant d*ck-harden for most.



The former governor of California is ugly as only a sausage can be, and he had so many women, way before becoming rich or famous. Most of the guys I know who are successful with women have practicably moved their bed to their gym.

Not surprising since guys know of the notion of a butterface. She has a good body but messed up face.



Dark hair is another trait that women love. Something about danger being associated with darkness and how it turns women on. enrique iglesias can't sing to save his life, but..

Not surprising since men prefer light and loong hair.


As for Enrique there's plenty of women who lack talent but are famous thanks to their looks


Tall. Dark skin. Dark eyes.Dark hair. Fit. Lots of women?

Petite. Light skin. Light eyes. Light and long hair. Fit. Lots of men?


It all boils down to individual tastes really.



Most guys are attracted to nearly every woman. I once was with a woman, aged 18. perfect body. 3 years later she was flabby, her body lost it's firmness, her butt and boobs were probably saggy, but still she had a tall, good-looking boyfriend.

How does that mean that the bf was attracted to her?


He could have been gay and she was his cover.


He could have been cheating on her with women he was attracted to thinking she'd stay and not put of a fuss because he was the best she could do.


He could have been attracted to her personality and not her looks.




But how many men can discard their girlfriends and instantly find another partner? Most women can do it.


The point wasn't really about the ability to pursue.


Yours: Ironically that won't stop the women from staring at/lusting for the men who are eye candy but don't hold in them the station in life that women want at the time(say, a doctor)

Mine: Plenty of guys with gfs and wives still lust after other women or have eye candy. That's human nature.


Also you're negating the fact that the other partner might not be the one they wanted. Most women can't drop a guy and get a guy who fits what they want instantly.


All that statement does it make it seem like men only stay because of their lack of success.



A key that can open many locks is prized because a lock is designed to open to only one key. A lock that is opened by many keys is not much of a lock, now is it?



First off the key/lock is unrelated to the topic.


Yours: Ironically that won't stop the women from staring at/lusting for the men who are eye candy but don't hold in them the station in life that women want at the time(say, a doctor)

Mine: It's no different from a guy checking out a hot girl but not building a relationship with her because of her sexual reputation.


I stayed on point of both genders just wanting the looks and disqualifying the person for some other reason.


To address the key/lock: If a pencil is sharpened by a lot of sharpeners, it’s used up and thrown away. If a sharpener sharpens a lot of pencils, it’s fantastic.


All the key/lock analogy tells me is that men hold women to a higher standard they they hold themselves and pat themselves on the back for behavior they'd find less than in a partner.


It also suggests that men can pick up and go and this lock is nothing special to him.


I much rather a key that fits my lock.



She gets to decide if she's going to put out or not. Men never know when they're being used or used as a placeholder until the bigger, better deal comes along. And I still don't understand how a guy can continue dating his ''gf'' when he sees her looking at other men like they're desserts.


Just like women may never know when they're being used or used as a placeholder until a better deal that he can have success with comes along.


Perhaps you can now understand why women have an issue with their guys checking out other women? :laugh:

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Do you guys think I'm lucky to be in my thirties but a size 00?


Not sure that I'd use the word "lucky". Unusual, yes, and it must get annoying sometimes to be mistaken for someone of a significantly different age.

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Do you guys think I'm lucky to be in my thirties but a size 00? I actually don't diet believe it or not and don't work out fanatically (just yoga for now).


I was just born this way. Even though I don't exercise a lot my cholesterol and LDL are really good. I was just born with low cholesterol and a high metabolism.


I am not lying when I say that guys in high school hit on me because they think I'm their age. They can't tell that I am older because I dress young (skinny jeans etc) and because I'm tiny.


You're lucky in the sense that it is attractive to a lot of men. But from what I've been reading you don't take advantage of that at all. One day you could wake up and realize you missed out. You might not feel that way right now, but things can change.


I wonder why you even care about your size and looks, since you don't want a relationship.

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Nope, I don't want a relationship; I truly am a loner (was born this way). I just like being alone. It's enough for me to KNOW that I look younger than most women who are younger than me! lol A relationship was never important to me; I like to be alone. I guess I'm just competitive; other women who are younger than me look older...


I don't see the point of that, because, for what are you competing then? You're not competing with other women for the men, then why are you competing? Simply just ego?

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The word lucky is the perfect word to use. I retain my beauty and youth while others have it slipped away from them; some even at 28. How is that not "lucky"? To me it's like winning the lottery or jackpot; I feel blessed. I love looking young and feeling young; life is good.


It's not lucky because it's quite common to me.


Odd hearing it called unusual.


For some reason it goes 30s- size 2, 40s- size 0 & 00. It's like a rising trend.


Also are you a US size 00 because most American stores do something called vanity sizing and the size 00's I know have to go to specialty stores due to the vanity sizing or get UK clothing.


I'd also say you're not really lucky or blessed since you seem quite fixated on your youth and beauty.fixation just isn't me..but hey to each their own.

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The word lucky is the perfect word to use. I retain my beauty and youth while others have it slipped away from them; some even at 28. How is that not "lucky"? To me it's like winning the lottery or jackpot; I feel blessed. I love looking young and feeling young; life is good.


If you value it, and it comes easily to you, then you are indeed lucky :)


I have a similar metabolism. I very much admire the other mommies at the park who have womanly curves, while I'm in teen sizes :o

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A lot of times size 00 is too big for me and I will need to have it tailored; depends on the brand. Most of the time 00 will be slightly big; it IS the size that has the CLOSEST fit than any other size but it's not perfect; a lot of times it will still be a bit loose.


Yes, I know about vanity sizing and it pisses me off. For example, Ann Taylor size 00 IS HUGE on me. I mean HUGE. I can't even tailor it because it looks like I'm swimming in it.


If you're getting these size 00's from American clothing stores most likely they are not size 00s.


Also Ann Taylor does vanity sizing and it's full sizes.


A girl whose a size 8 in skirts was a size 4 there...so....


Try UK clothing. America has gone so far in vanity sizing that even the shoes are vanity sized.

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The word lucky is the perfect word to use. I retain my beauty and youth while others have it slipped away from them; some even at 28. How is that not "lucky"? To me it's like winning the lottery or jackpot; I feel blessed. I love looking young and feeling young; life is good.


If you're happy with how you are then perhaps that's what is lucky, since so many people seem not to be happy with how they are.

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What makes you think that looking is good is to attract members of the opposite sex? That is a FALLACY.


I get treated better by strangers and more RESPECT when I look good; better service in restaurant. BETTER SERVICE IN CLOTHING STORES. If you are obese and unattractive do you think sales people will be nice to you? some are stuck up and will sneer at you.


Customer service, f*ck yeah.

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I like it when other women are envious of me; it makes me feel GOOD. It is a THRILL. It has nothing to do with getting men; it's just knowing that I'm better. It's all ego.


Well at least you're brutally honest about it all. Interesting.


That being said. What really is the point in that though. In 50 years or more when you lie on your deathbed, will you then think while you take your last breath. But at least I was better than them.


Live for yourself.

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People who look younger and are good looking are more likely to get ahead in life. Did you know that people are "attractive" are more likely to get promoted at work and earn more money? STUDIES HAVE PROVEN THIS.

Being good looking, fit and in shape gets you ahead even in the corporate world. More doors are opened for good looking people. A lot of people will treat "good looking" people better over less attractive people.



Yes I know that, but I don't care about that myself. (probably because I always wanted to be my own boss and not want to have to climb a ladder in someone else's company)


How do you think I would feel about myself if I looked old and unattractive? It would affect EVERY interaction I have with EVERY human on the planet (relatives, co workers, boss, strangers).


There you might have a good point. Feeling good about yourself is important.

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I like it when other women are envious of me; it makes me feel GOOD. It is a THRILL. It has nothing to do with getting men; it's just knowing that I'm better. It's all ego.


This sounds very trollish. Or, narcissistic.


Being pretty is a nice trait to have. Being minuscule of stature might be, to some (not to me personally; size 00 is not more beautiful than size 12, if you ask me). They are kind of low on the scale of important traits, IMO. In any case, looks DON'T last, even if yours are holding up better than your peers'. I hope you have a lot better to fall back on when that day comes.

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Disenchantedly Yours

I was the highway yesterday when I drove past a mid to late 20s man. His shirt was off (I'm assuming because it was raining and he wanted a dry shirt), his nicely defined chest on display, along with some hot tattoos, changing the tire on his shiney black pick-up truck. And not some plastic pick-up truck. Old school metal. It was like the reverse of that infamous scene in Tranformers that made the beautiful but talentless Megan Fox so popular.


When I was in my teens and early 20s, I was so much more obessed about how *I* looked to men. But as I've gotten older, I've discovered that that masculine beauty can be an awesome thing.

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How do you think I would feel about myself if I looked old and unattractive? It would affect EVERY interaction I have with EVERY human on the planet (relatives, co workers, boss, strangers).


I hope you'll feel okay about yourself when you look old, because that day is coming (if you survive). And, according to your standards, old = unattractive, so that's headed your way as well.



Do you have any friends?

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