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How to let go of the anger and move on????

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Long story short I was involved with a MM. He told me he loved me and in the end he told me he loved me like a friend. I feel used and he lied to me over and over. I am so angry and finding it very difficult to move on and let go.


I want revenge and to hurt him the way he hurt me. I am still in love but also hate him at the same time. This mess is my own fault for being too trusting and it won't happen again. I know there is no magic formula but I just don't know how to handle my feelings in a healthy way.


Maybe a good cardio workout will help and work up a good sweat.

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You want to hurt him of course you do because you want him to feel the pain you are in. But thinking about revenge is just wasting your energy, still thinking about him. The best revenge is to take every step you can to get over him. That is the best revenge and when you are over him you won't care, won't even think of him, you'll be too busy being happy inside yourself. Cardio is a good start I'm sure.

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You want to hurt him of course you do because you want him to feel the pain you are in. But thinking about revenge is just wasting your energy, still thinking about him. The best revenge is to take every step you can to get over him. That is the best revenge and when you are over him you won't care, won't even think of him, you'll be too busy being happy inside yourself. Cardio is a good start I'm sure.


Do you want the best revenge ever? Be happy, be cool, be busy around him if you ever see him. Or find an excuse to talk to him in order for him to see the new you.

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Do you want the best revenge ever? Be happy, be cool, be busy around him if you ever see him. Or find an excuse to talk to him in order for him to see the new you.



This!!! Best way to get back at him is to have a wonderful life!!!!!


I'm sorry you are hurt, I know how fine the line between love and hate can be.



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Anger is an energy. Don't bottle it, hold onto it or feed it. Just use it and let it flow. Do that work out, work up a good sweat and feel great about yourself.

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Anger is an energy. Don't bottle it, hold onto it or feed it. Just use it and let it flow. Do that work out, work up a good sweat and feel great about yourself.



Perfectly stated! and btw BD... love you pic! Its my statement in my signature line. :)

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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! You area all so right. It's time to move on and let go. I am wasting my time and energy thinking about him and crying. Time to delete photos and his emails.

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I found this on an old post and it is so true...


If we're wasting our time thinking about revenge, we're obviously still hurt and not moving on.


Why do we waste so much time on people who care so little for us? I'll never understand that. I'd much rather save my time and energy for someone deserving of it. I respect myself enough that I can walk away, held held high, that it was just the wrong person. No need for revenge.

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Stay NC and if he contacts you out of the blue, tell him you have a boyfriend and you are too busy to talk to him. He will feel like crap :cool:.


But seriously, happiness is the best revenge ever.

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Hey Gabby,


I'm really sorry that you're so hurt.

I completely understand what you're going through.


For me what helped was to think

"hey, I am now free to do whatever and whoever I want ;) and he's still in his dysfunction - I have the better deal here!!"


Its the idea of trusting someone and being so good to them and not having that be appreciated or returned, and worse, having that thrown in your face as a weakness or mistake - that's hard to get over, I get that.


But not everyone is like those MMs and don't let this experience rob you of your good qualities, but learn from it and be more selective as to who you bestow these good qualities on - not everyone is deserving.


be good to you and you will get through this!



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NC is the way I am staying and my heals are dug in. If he were to contact me it would only be more lies and I am not going to be made a fool again. Revenge is a waste of my time but I had to stick it to him so he knows what it is like to be lied to and used. It was childish but I feel sooooo much better.


Today I made the decision to move on and end this craziness. The only person I am hurting is myself and it prevents me from healing and being happy. I finally said enough. Thank you all for being so supportive!

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