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Like girl but too shy to speak up -- help!

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Hi guys, right heres my prob.

I really like this girl i work with, and i think she likes me too, the only trouble is shes leaving work tommorow and i am too shy to ask her out. Its really bugging the heck out of me, all of my work friends are telling me to go for it but when the chance arose one night i could not bring myself to do it in case se says no, + i dont want to kil of a great friendship, any help will be nice. thanks :)

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The worst thing that happens if you ask her out is that she says 'no' and the best part of that is that you'll never have to see her again. Most girls like the attention and she'll probably say 'yes'.


If you can't bring yourself to ask her on a date, ask her out to coffee. Make it sort of casual and tell her you're bummed that she's leaving. Ask if its OK if the two of you keep up. Hopefully that'll give you something to go on. Good luck.

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Thanks for the help, but i waited too long to do it and now she has left.

One thing that i regret not doing is getting her contact details, but im in the process of getting them of friends that have them.


thanks once again tho.

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