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What type of kiss do you younger ladies appreciate the most?

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What type of kiss do you younger ladies appreciate the most? Especially as a first kiss from a person. Slow? Tongue? Where are your hands, where are his? The more detail the better. Thanks :D

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well it would depend on how well i thought things went on the date...if i liked the guy. if i felt comfortable.


if the guy was a creep then i would not kiss him, if i liked him i would kiss his cheek.



it is hard to say...so just go for a kiss in the lip area, and see where it goes from there...always give her the choice of giving you the tounge...and there is always a next date for that, no need to rush into it...that is my view.

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It's very nice of you to ask, but what you should do, in my oppinion is to simply keep your eyes opened at how she feels. It depends a lot of the atmosphere at the end of the date, on the mood, on how comfortable she is with you... if she is atracted to you it could be a long sensual kiss, if she's shy, it'll be more of a butterfly wings on your lips... Do exactly what you feel it's right! Trust your instincts! And don't expect something!


So what if let's say you find out how girls usualy like to be kissed for the first time? I'm more for the spontainiety, for making it special, making it actually mean something!

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First kiss....hmmm...I like this post :love: The best first kiss ever from a sweet guy was when he lighly kissed my lips, pulled back just far enough to look me in the eyes, then moved in for the big deep passionate kiss. I don't think tongue is appropriate for first timers.

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