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Your view on male virginity vs male use of prostitution


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And that's why a man must never tell a woman unless he knows that she isn't the judgmental type.

I think most women will be judgmental on this particular issue, unless they're very loose and promiscuous women. Why shouldn't they be judgmental on such a serious issue? A willingness to sleep with hookers denotes some serious character flaws... it's a huge red flag. Still, I really don't think lying about it is a good start to a relationship either.


Not being able to relate to people is not the issue. The issue is not being able to attract women and be able to get more than friendship out of them.

In my experience, the men who end up being just friends with women don't really express their sexual interest effectively. They come across as sexless, as just a friend, because there's no obvious sexual interest on their part. I think some of these men have been brought up to think it's wrong or disrespectful to display sexual interest; maybe Mom was a bit of a prude. Or maybe they have low self esteem and are afraid to express sexual interest in case the girl is grossed out because of how unattractive (they think) they are. Maybe they had bad experiences in their youth where girls made fun of them because they expressed their attraction. Whatever the reason, they just don't seem to feel comfortable demonstrating sexual attraction, so the woman never picks up on this vibe and ends up seeing them as just a friend.


What would you think about a man who has male and female friends but for whatever reason, the girls just don't like him that way. What should he do?

I'd say he's probably being too friendly with the girls and isn't flirting or creating sexual tension. I'm attracted to men who are flirty and fun, who create sexual tension that makes butterflies in my tummy, who make me feel flattered and excited all at once. It isn't about looks, because this feeling often develops after I've chatted with a guy who I didn't initially feel attracted to based just on looks; it's a feeling that he creates through his behavior. The player type guys naturally know how to approach a woman, make her giggle and create this sexual tension - other guys learn it as they get older, and some guys never really get it.

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Elysian Powder
I think those who are just performing a service are vastly in the minority,


You have a very strong opinion formed about prostitution, I see that, but aren't you a bit on the biased side of the affair? Where do you take your belief that the vast majority of women who share the gift of their bodies with men are doing it out of necessity?


Do you think that street prostitution accounts for the majority of the sexual occurrences between the buyer and the seller of sex? I am no specialist on prostitution, but I know of many men who are sadly married, a condition that means no sex for most of the guys, so they have to play a far cheaper price in order to have sex, and trust me when I tell you that these guys are school teachers, concern themselves with the elderly and will help out anyone in need of their help.


They don't take advantage of the women they sleep with. All of the women who've met my friends and made their lives better were of legal age, didn't consume drugs, nor were they forced into prostitution under the threat of violence or death - they joined the ranks of such a beautiful sisterhood from their own desire to increase the quality of the life of men.


These guys aren't all about the sex. Car trips, presents, fancy dinners, trips to other Countries, the whole girlfriend treatment bestowed on the courtesans. A man isn't just paying for the sex; had he wished for only a woman's genitals, he wouldn't treat her like a decent human being.


Don't you know that courtesans charge by the hour and that all of the extras carry their own price? Where have you heard of that? Women getting money to let a man treat them good?


You also don't know th

I think those who are just performing a service are vastly in the minority,


You have a very strong opinion formed about porn, I see that, but aren't you a bit on the biased side of the affair? Where do you take your belief that the vast majority of women who share the gift of their bodies with men are doing it out of necessity?


Do you think that street prostitution accounts for the majority of the sexual occurrences between the buyer and the seller of sex? I am no specialist on prostitution, but I know of many men who are sadly married, a condition that means no sex for most of the guys, so they have to play a far cheaper price in order to have sex, and trust me when I tell you that these guys are school teachers, concern themselves with the elderly and will help out anyone in need of their help.


They don't take advantage of the women they sleep with. All of the women who've met my friends and made their lives better were of legal age, didn't consume drugs, nor were they forced into prostitution under the threat of violence or death - they joined the ranks of such a beautiful sisterhood from their own desire to increase the quality of the life of men.


These guys aren't all about the sex. Car trips, presents, fancy dinners, trips to other Countries, the whole girlfriend treatment bestowed on the courtesans. A man isn't just paying for the sex; had he wished for only a woman's genitals, he wouldn't treat her like a decent human being.


Don't you know that courtesans charge by the hour? What do we encounter here? Men who are paying(money they wouldn't have to pay if sex was all that mattered) for a woman to let the men cherish her.


I don't see how a woman wouldn't like to be treated like this, everyday, by rather decent men who wouldn't even dream of abusing a woman.


I'm going to let my disappointment show, but you probably don't know that Pericles, the man whose name was given to Ancient Greece's most glorious century was married to a courtesan.


The compassion to not judge a woman is the great mark of a great man. Pericles wasn't the typical modern politician; he didn't bride his way into power.


He was a man of vast physical and intellectual beauty, a genius that could be compared to the great minds of thousands of years ago(and way better than Obama and his covenant). His influence on his own people and his own greatness could have landed him a virginal, young princess.


He married a courtesan. A woman of famous beauty, that is true, but the world had never had a rarefied portion of virginal and beautiful young women - with a royal title and lands and money following them.


Why would a man who was made of the cloth that only the great kings were made of, marry a woman who ''sold'' her body to other men? Why didn't he simply slept with her and married a virginal, young woman?


She was his equal. In a Country, from an era of human discovery, the most glorious of the Athenians chose a courtesan to be his wife.


What a man.


Centuries later, Alexander The Great was born. The one who would shape the entire world and cover himself with the glory of the gods. He was the son of one of the Ancient world greatest military leaders; a real man, with the commanding power he exuded emanating from his Alphahood and from his crown. His mother was a beautiful woman. Decades past his birth he invaded Ancient Persia and gave many lands and money to the courtesans who spent many years with him and his army.



How many men today would dump the women and never hear of them again? A man born thousands of years ago, when survival of the fittest was the rule, not a distant word that only had meaning in a Darwin's textbook; A King, A Pharaoh, the KING OF KINGS showered courtesans with many honors.


to end this history lesson in modern times, I'm gonna tell you the story of Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine. He was a young officer, nothing of any relevance at the time when he met Josephine. She was a courtesan and nothing about her was worthy of the attentions of one of the world's greatest Alpha males. Yet..He rose to the French Throne and by extension of his formidable will he was crowned emperor of the French. And still.. He loved Josephine. He did marry a young Princess of Austrian-Hungarian blood, but that's because he had to establish alliances with the great powers of his day, lest a military vacuum was created after he was to take his troops from the Countries he conquered.


Moving on to the next lesson, albeit not about how wonderful courtesans were in the past but how incredible and fascinating they still are.


A woman who exerts her strong sexual powers, a courtesan, is divided into 2 groups in the art of the courtesan; the women who are affordable by the average wallet, and women.. who.. are so bloody divine, their bodies are the entrance to bloody Valhalla.


In the first group you have the young women(18-25) who, deriving from their youth, are considered highly desirable by the average man. The participants in this millennial-old profession have their own standards; a man has to enter their haven of pleasure clean, mustn't look like a freak, and in return the men are very well-treated. Sorts of a mini-vacation of an hour.


They part ways after the transaction is completed and if the courtesan sees the potential of respect for her in him, and if she was well treated; the man is allowed to return to another visit to that Courtesan.


The third(I mentioned two, but street prostitution is the first floor) floor in the courtesan world is collected by women of legendary material; tremendous physical beauty, charm and wit, and intellect, all of the good stuff you can think of. These women are the empresses of the Courtesan Kingdom.


No one is permitted access to their phone numbers unless the potential clients come with high recommendations. Women this universally perfect only dwell with the very rich, the very handsome and the very famous.


How would you guys feel if you were given the chance to ride to the stars? Multiply that more than possible feeling by 100000 and you might come close to what a woman at this stage of female beauty(and everything good and nice) can furnish your well-being.


Simply put; are you guys saving up for a car? That's a waste. Save up the money to sleep with one of those High-Queen Courtesans.


Layers upon layers of courtesan workmanship reside in so many habitations. You don't know many of them because they don't go to the grocery shop with a sign on their foreheads, in flashing letters of '' I have sex for money''.


And chances are, with the economical crisis, a number that could come close to many, many millions are going to dish out a little pleasure for a little pay. Nothing wrong with that.


So..Not all courtesans are abused or bullied into doing it, and I honestly believe that a very major number of them - maybe most - are doing because they genuinely want to do it.


Plus I don't see why a man would even want to associate with the sort of trashy woman who thinks it's ok to sell her body.


I don't understand why a man would want to even look at you. You're clearly a woman- hater - at the very least you don't respect your fellow women - and you are trying to make the men who visit courtesans feel bad about themselves. You are attacking their masculinity and their taste on women, by associating a job with the type of woman the worker must be and in your case you completely degrade the humanity and the decency and the pride of both consumer and provider.


You must be one of those high-brow women who think they are better than other women because you have a degree, probably in the sociology field. I know the kind. I wouldn't touch you with a 9 feet pole , and I'd rather be with a woman who won't discriminate other women via the profession of said women.


So that you know, countless Alpha males, men who are superior in all manners and shapes to your boyfriends have visited courtesans since a very young age, and many of those Alphas carved empires, advanced science, and made the life of human beings to be much better than they were which can be thought of, your criteria and what a man would want or not, to be as important to us as a sunken ship from the XVII is to an Egyptology.


To put it bluntly; men don't give a flying fck about what you think and about your puritan, XIX century resolutions on sexuality, beauty, and worthiness as a man and as a woman.


Yes, I know that many people just view sex as a physical release. A man who has sex with a prostitute obviously feels that way - that's one of the main reasons I wouldn't want to date him, because I wouldn't want to date someone who viewed sex as just a physical release.


You're obvious not a man. What gives you the(earned) right of telling people on this forum the reason(s) you came up with to justify a practice that is more natural to mankind that the god damn civilization men built?


Who's to say that your boyfriend or any other boyfriend you'll manage to have in the future is(might, that is, a a possibility, a preposition of maybe) is having sex with you in a merely point of view of sexual release?


How can you know? How will you know? You can't, O Master Yoda. Don't try to talk about what you don't know. I'm am not a woman. I do not make prepositions regarding women and your ways; I do not assume that a woman who is having an abortion is doing it from a motive of greed.


Do not try to classify and categorize men. We aren't microbes. You have no idea of how powerful, complex, different, and vastly developed we are. Do you try to memorize all of that components inside of a burning star? Do you know of how many planets there are out there? Have you traveled to another planet?


No. Men, are the the intricacy of the unknown world, and I'll be damned if I am to leave someone who has no knowledge of being a man act like she's the friking Tolkien of male psychology expert y.


Many, many men love the courtesans they lay with. The majority of them do not mistreat women in any form, and many marry Courtesans and grow old with them.


it's still gross whatever the reason is.


Do you need to be hit by 2 cars to die from car accident related trauma?


No, you only need to be hit once,and by only one car.


Do women nowadays marry virgin? No, most of them have slept with many or just some guys before marrying. Where's the proof that man sleeping with a courtesan is ''disgusting''? Was the money involved in the deal the main contributor the the gross belief system?


I pay for the sex that I have with my muscles, height, and Alain Delon looks. Is this method of payment a more gracious intercourse of social and monetary exchange?


Can it deny the undeniable truism of women sleeping with me because of my bodily gold, or is it another factor?


The women have slept with many men?


Goodness gracious! The vast majority of women aren't fit for a relationship!


By using a relative model, a non-prostitute who has slept with 5 guys before the age of 25 is gross, because 5 is an infinitesimally greater number than 1.


For thousands of years men married virgins. i guess any woman who isn't a virgin is gross, demented, and any man who pays heed to a non-virgin has something seriously wrong going on? :rolleyes:


I doubt if there is any man who is truly unattractive enough that absolutely no woman would date him.


That's not the point..


Hugh Hefner was caught red-handed with a prostitute.. Wayne Rooney, a man whose good-looks veracity could be the meat for many discussion to occur, is married to a relatively good-looking, young woman, and he slept with an escort.


Countless many numbers of the most illuminated and powerful of men to be born slept with courtesans; are you going to tell me that the very handsome, very rich and very powerful can't find a young, hot woman to sleep with if they wanted to?


Here's a funny fact for you. Many of the men who visit courtesans are highly eligible bachelors. Paragons of male beauty, intelligence, charm and wealth. Why would I want free steak when I am certain that I will have the whole pleasures of the sensory ramifications of human experience at an extremely low risk, and with women who don't expect me to put a ring on their finger?


I see ugly fat men with women all the time.


Can I believe that I snorted as I was reading this?


I see plenty of men with expensive cars.


A) Does seeing many men with sport cars translate into many of them men, owning the car(s)?


B) If they are not the owners, how can they be inside the car?


C)Isn't the proximity of an object or a person a motive, persistent enough to assume that the 1k cell phone resting on a child's arm belongs to the child, or that chance be had, a young woman kisses - very lightly - the lips of a young man; do you instantly recognize a couple?


Answers to the questions:


Question A;




Question B;


1) Some might be taking care of the car of their bosses/


2) Some could be workers of a car-stand and were taking the cars to an automobile convention.


3) Some of them you saw as they were doing a test-drive.


4) A handful of the men you have witnessed driving a sport's car do in fact own the car they were seen on.


Now I will draw and create a parallel with your experience of seeing ugly men with how the majority of the men in flashy cars by answering question C.


Answer to question C;


You can be amidst a tremendous gathering of people and not know who they are, Do you have any evidence that corroborates your assumption on their relationship status?


You see them having sex? Couldn't their encounter be a date and nothing more? When I was 15 I spent time with a girl, my own age, and we'd give some kisses here and there, but I by no grandiose imagination would ever consider that memory, a relationship.


Unless you know for sure that the majority of the ugly/fat/short/bald men observed near women - or kissing them - are, truthfully, having sex, your acceptation of the degree of ''facility'' for a ugly man to incur in sex, is null.


deal with that that having sex with trashy hookers.


I've had colleagues who were far more beautiful than you could ever be(I've never seen you, but unless you are as good-looking as a victoria's secret model, I stay firm), whose intelligence was superior to many senior teachers of Harvard or Yale, and they worked as courtesans, some because they enjoyed the money, others had a special connection with their own sexuality, loved to have men fall so enthralled by them.


You, compared to them, are nothing more than dust so I would temper your discriminatory tendency to make assumptions and to disregard the feelings of women whom you will never come close to, even if you were to live a thousand years.

no normal woman wanted you.


Such tasteful ignorance and such a vastly out-of-reason superiority complex you have. A man of high enough valor(whatever the criteria you use to merit a man's worth) would have you eating out of his palm, and if he was to tell you of his past with courtesans, you'd forget all about it.


Women of incredible social status, wealth and beauty, slept with Casanova while knowing that he was basically a ''whore''. I'm not seeing the majority of women caring about that if the man is tall(not on a objective manner) enough and if he can work on that attraction mechanism to come off.


Anyway, a real man does what the hell he wants to and he's not troubled about what women think of women. That's the task of the white knight. Nice try, though(nah, not really).

Plus it would still only be sex, not an emotionally fulfilling relationship,


sex is an emotional fulfillment in itself. science has proved that bonds are created during the sexual experience.A moment in time. Good enough fulfillment at a very low risk. Why do I mention ''low risk'' several times?


The whole lot of you does not care or pretends to not know the truth, but a number too high of men are cheated on, dumped, are infected with stds by their gfs and wives, are driven to suicide as the overlaps of the devastation of their broken relationship catches them; most of the men who are married or in long-term relationships had known their partners for years, but now they are sexless and unhappy, and many of the men who try to come out of this situation lose their children and will have to pay child-support for the children they aren't allowed to see, and in many of the men who play child-support, several will end in jail if one month of alimony is skipped(even if he has no money).


look, for the gender that can fill one or two lines with a lame attempt at making men believe that women are the nurturing, loving, loyal sex; you are doing a lousy job.


You've shown yourself - and many, many of you women by association - to be representatives of mankind.


shallow, ignorant, and a lack of emotional support to the women who work the streets/or are courtesans by, not by implying, by being convinced that the women are garbage.


I don't know who's the garbage here. The women who work an honest job and fulfill their side of the bargain or the women who have the audacity to claim their bodies as the only, the ultimate receiver and creator of human intimacy, inspired in this false mockery of ''feminine hood,'' they fail to understand that some men can see when silver is being sold at the price of platinum, granting permissibility to the men who understand or know how expensive ''real intimacy'' with a ''real woman'' really is.


PS; I'd rather sleep with courtesans than sleeping with many of you ignorant lot, beckoning my marked decision to resort to porn if I ever lose my looks, or if you, angry, women-haters burn all of the courtesans up.


How do I know so much about prostitution although I am not an expert on it?


I know married men. a lot of them.

Edited by Elysian Powder
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Richard Friedman

As a man I've got infinitely more respect for a guy who uses prostitutes than a late 20s+ virgin. At least the first guy has the balls to get what he needs from life(yes, sex is a need) without bowing to some bs, feminist social convention. If you're a red-blooded male then going months and months without sex is just self flagellation. There's no justifying it. If a guy is under 25 I could understand the "I want to earn my sex" mentality, but after that it just becomes stubbornness. There's no reason you can't improve with women and use whores to get your needs met at the same time, and at that point you're proly not getting laid anytime soon sad to say. You'll just be wasting your youth and needlessly depriving yourself. As for the guy who's remaining a virgin by choice up to some absurd age, I call that delusional

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So, my recent posts in this thread were a mixture of trolling / playing devil's advocate / sarcasm.


But Ely, really?


It's not about wealth, status, power, money and looks. Sigh. You are a lost cause.


Thanks for further indicating that men often choose prostitution out of greed / other unsightly things, rather than as a last resort though.


As someone that's been propositioned too many times to become a street walker, a mistress and or an escort girl (through "pimps" and even through cocky men themselves... one man tried repeatedly to get me to agree to moving into one of his condos along a southern beach; he flashed his money and promised he'd take care of me LOL --- provided I was available to him when he was traveling through the area :lmao:), I can only state that the "dining" and "gifts" and other "incentives" involved in some of the services are just foul and bleh regardless.


I would guess that for such things to seem appealing, one would need to be in a desperate situation / regard men as foul anyway / have low self-worth etc. If a woman feels perfectly fine in such a situation... all I can say is more power to her. I have conversed with a few escort girls and some street walkers... the former is certainly in a better position than the latter, but regardless... I can't say any of them seemed all there.


By the way --- Alexander the Great really helped to advance his philosophical regions :lmao: ... great example...

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Richard Friedman

Women hate prostitution because they fear it. If anyone, even *GASP* guys who aren't that tall or rich :eek: can have sex with women who look as good or better than them, how are they going to maintain their artificial value? Any professional prostitute in a legal brothel ONLY has sex with condoms, by law or she loses the license! Can you say that for sure about the average woman who has friends with benefits, boyfriends, and one night stands and usually with the most promiscuous womanizers they can find?


Prostitution for the average man is more pink for your green, that's it. Who cares what women think, they only have their own interests in mind and obviously have no idea what it's like to be a man who isn't popular with women. I think the current system of prostitution riddled with pimps, trafficking, and drugs is bad, but that's only because women want to keep it illegal. If the government regulated it it wouldn't be that way.


Well said.

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You have a very strong opinion formed about prostitution, I see that, but aren't you a bit on the biased side of the affair? Where do you take your belief that the vast majority of women who share the gift of their bodies with men are doing it out of necessity?


You seemed to have a very strong opinion formed about prostitution.


One that only looks at the positives and ignores the negatives.


You seem to have this idealized view of prostitution being some secret affair of love, worship, and cherishing.


No prostitution has it's negatives and positives.


Odd how you know phrase it as sharing the gift of their bodies...seems like you switch terms whenever it suits you :p


Do you think that street prostitution accounts for the majority of the sexual occurrences between the buyer and the seller of sex? I am no specialist on prostitution, but I know of many men who are sadly married, a condition that means no sex for most of the guys, so they have to play a far cheaper price in order to have sex, and trust me when I tell you that these guys are school teachers, concern themselves with the elderly and will help out anyone in need of their help.

The plight of these men are not really necessary information.


Cool though sex marriage usually means unsatisfactory sex for the women and a far cheaper actually free price is to have extramarital affairs since these women are sadly married a condition that means sex with orgasm for them is rare.



They don't take advantage of the women they sleep with. All of the women who've met my friends and made their lives better were of legal age, didn't consume drugs, nor were they forced into prostitution under the threat of violence or death - they joined the ranks of such a beautiful sisterhood from their own desire to increase the quality of the life of men.

Yet plenty of other men do take advantage of these women.

Yet plenty of are underage, do consume drugs, and were forced.


:p at increase the quality of the life of men. Where are women's walking wallets to increase their quality of life?



These guys aren't all about the sex. Car trips, presents, fancy dinners, trips to other Countries, the whole girlfriend treatment bestowed on the courtesans. A man isn't just paying for the sex; had he wished for only a woman's genitals, he wouldn't treat her like a decent human being.

Note the keyword is these.


These guys may not be but other men sure are.


Odd you talk about he isn't just paying for sex or wanting only her genitals when you stated women were useless except for sex...seems like the only way to get treated like a decent human being is to be a prostitute in a legalized area...of course...still holding that legalized prostitution fairs better for the prostitutes than illegal prostitution.



Don't you know that courtesans charge by the hour and that all of the extras carry their own price? Where have you heard of that? Women getting money to let a man treat them good?

I'd just like to know where men treat women well without expecting sex :p


Do you also know that some of these prostitutes don't get their full pay or pay at all?


I don't see how a woman wouldn't like to be treated like this, everyday, by rather decent men who wouldn't even dream of abusing a woman.


Because not all prostitutes get clients like these.


Some don't get decent men who wouldn't even dream of abusing a woman.


If they did then so many prostitutes wouldn't be raped, murdered, or raped & murdered.



I'm going to let my disappointment show, but you probably don't know that Pericles, the man whose name was given to Ancient Greece's most glorious century was married to a courtesan.

You probably don't know all the names of pimps in New York who is not married and beat and abuse their prostituteues.



The compassion to not judge a woman is the great mark of a great man. Pericles wasn't the typical modern politician; he didn't bride his way into power.

The notion here is that these men are not judging her.


Just because they are paying for her services doesn't mean they aren't judging her.


Plenty of the same men who use prostitutes degrade and judge them.


In fact some men who degrade and judge women in general use prostitutes.



He was a man of vast physical and intellectual beauty, a genius that could be compared to the great minds of thousands of years ago(and way better than Obama and his covenant). His influence on his own people and his own greatness could have landed him a virginal, young princess.

Once again those pimps in New York...not the same caliber


He married a courtesan. A woman of famous beauty, that is true, but the world had never had a rarefied portion of virginal and beautiful young women - with a royal title and lands and money following them.

One pimp has a wife who was never a prostitute who owns a beauty salon...not really sure but I think it's a sex massage parlor honestly.


Why would a man who was made of the cloth that only the great kings were made of, marry a woman who ''sold'' her body to other men? Why didn't he simply slept with her and married a virginal, young woman?

Plenty of men who are in high positions today would never marry a position.


She was his equal. In a Country, from an era of human discovery, the most glorious of the Athenians chose a courtesan to be his wife.

Yet plenty of men don't consider prostitutes their equal.


I know some men married to prostitutes and they don't consider their wives equal.



What a man.

Keyword..a..don't attribute his behavior to be the general view, the normal behavior...it's an idealized view.



Centuries later, Alexander The Great was born. The one who would shape the entire world and cover himself with the glory of the gods. He was the son of one of the Ancient world greatest military leaders; a real man, with the commanding power he exuded emanating from his Alphahood and from his crown. His mother was a beautiful woman. Decades past his birth he invaded Ancient Persia and gave many lands and money to the courtesans who spent many years with him and his army.

Those pimps in New York...


The pimp who married a woman who was not a prostitute....


The men who use prostitutes but would never marry them....




A woman who exerts her strong sexual powers, a courtesan, is divided into 2 groups in the art of the courtesan; the women who are affordable by the average wallet, and women.. who.. are so bloody divine, their bodies are the entrance to bloody Valhalla.


Actually the prostitutes are the ones affordable by the average wallet in fact they have a sticker price...:p


Depending on the amount though it may not be the average wallet.



In the first group you have the young women(18-25) who, deriving from their youth, are considered highly desirable by the average man. The participants in this millennial-old profession have their own standards; a man has to enter their haven of pleasure clean, mustn't look like a freak, and in return the men are very well-treated. Sorts of a mini-vacation of an hour.

I like this because average guys can't whine about women's standards being too high...ages can't go back in time..



They part ways after the transaction is completed and if the courtesan sees the potential of respect for her in him, and if she was well treated; the man is allowed to return to another visit to that Courtesan.

You forget that this is not the way that is how the majority does it.


That there are plenty who simply are on the corner or on a cellphone and get handed the money and do the deed.


Yours is an idealized view based only on the positives...not much different from the exaggerated viewed based only on the negatives.


The third(I mentioned two, but street prostitution is the first floor) floor in the courtesan world is collected by women of legendary material; tremendous physical beauty, charm and wit, and intellect, all of the good stuff you can think of. These women are the empresses of the Courtesan Kingdom.

Yet this doesn't happen in reality for the majority of prostitutes.



No one is permitted access to their phone numbers unless the potential clients come with high recommendations. Women this universally perfect only dwell with the very rich, the very handsome and the very famous.

Not how the majority of sex work is done..especially illegal sex work.



How would you guys feel if you were given the chance to ride to the stars? Multiply that more than possible feeling by 100000 and you might come close to what a woman at this stage of female beauty(and everything good and nice) can furnish your well-being.

Buying sex is like a chance to ride the stars?


I do like the analogy because when guys complain about women treating their vaginas like it's gold or doling out sex hey think of it like a chance to ride the stars..if she has female beauty. :p



Simply put; are you guys saving up for a car? That's a waste. Save up the money to sleep with one of those High-Queen Courtesans.

Exactly there's tons of classes in prostitutes.



So..Not all courtesans are abused or bullied into doing it, and I honestly believe that a very major number of them - maybe most - are doing because they genuinely want to do it.

Are you only talking to the high class courtesans or all you talking to all classes of prostitutes?



You must be one of those high-brow women who think they are better than other women because you have a degree, probably in the sociology field. I know the kind. I wouldn't touch you with a 9 feet pole , and I'd rather be with a woman who won't discriminate other women via the profession of said women.

Cool since a woman is not better than other women based on her own accomplishments.


I can state that a man is not defined by other mens actions and he can't chose to coattail on the great men in the pasts accomplishments.


So that you know, countless Alpha males, men who are superior in all manners and shapes to your boyfriends have visited courtesans since a very young age, and many of those Alphas carved empires, advanced science, and made the life of human beings to be much better than they were which can be thought of, your criteria and what a man would want or not, to be as important to us as a sunken ship from the XVII is to an Egyptology.[/quote[

Yet these men no longer exist.




To put it bluntly; men don't give a flying fck about what you think and about your puritan, XIX century resolutions on sexuality, beauty, and worthiness as a man and as a woman.

Actually you can't speak for all men only yourself.




You're obvious not a man. What gives you the(earned) right of telling people on this forum the reason(s) you came up with to justify a practice that is more natural to mankind that the god damn civilization men built?

Perhaps she sees the negatives in it and doesn't have this rainbow sugarcoated view of only sunshine and lollipops?


Raping women was also a practice that was natural to mankind doesn't mean that the practice should continue.


There's negatives and positives...people should start looking at things realistically and not letting their bias overcloud them....probably not going to happen though

Who's to say that your boyfriend or any other boyfriend you'll manage to have in the future is(might, that is, a a possibility, a preposition of maybe) is having sex with you in a merely point of view of sexual release?


How can you know? How will you know? You can't, O Master Yoda. Don't try to talk about what you don't know. I'm am not a woman. I do not make prepositions regarding women and your ways; I do not assume that a woman who is having an abortion is doing it from a motive of greed.


Do not try to classify and categorize men. We aren't microbes. You have no idea of how powerful, complex, different, and vastly developed we are. Do you try to memorize all of that components inside of a burning star? Do you know of how many planets there are out there? Have you traveled to another planet?

That's a people thing not a gender thing...actually most people aren't that complex...:p


Do you try to memorize all of that components inside of a burning star?


Do you know of how many planets there are out there?


Have you traveled to another planet?


No. Men, are the the intricacy of the unknown world, and I'll be damned if I am to leave someone who has no knowledge of being a man act like she's the friking Tolkien of male psychology expert y.


Awh more coattailing on other mens actions...only the positive ones of course.


So you don;t have to do any of those things because another man has already done it so as a man you can take credit for it since you two share the same genitals.


Nice nitpicking on only applying the positives after all if the negatives cam into play all men would be rapists or rapists in waiting who hate women and want to beat, abuse, enslave, and oppress them.


Instead of trying to apply only the positives or only the negatives why not just see both and judge men as a man based on their own accomplishments and failures?


Many, many men love the courtesans they lay with. The majority of them do not mistreat women in any form, and many marry Courtesans and grow old with them.

Many many many many men don't love the prostitutes they pay to have sex with.


Actually most courtesans grew old and stayed there but were replaced in the bed and upgraded.


Do women nowadays marry virgin? No, most of them have slept with many or just some guys before marrying. Where's the proof that man sleeping with a courtesan is ''disgusting''? Was the money involved in the deal the main contributor the the gross belief system?


I pay for the sex that I have with my muscles, height, and Alain Delon looks. Is this method of payment a more gracious intercourse of social and monetary exchange?

Delon :sick:....no offense but just know


The method of payment is not any different..honesty what matters is the treatment of the prostitutes..legalization is key...it'd make it safer and healthier for more women..also would help lessen women being forced into it



Countless many numbers of the most illuminated and powerful of men to be born slept with courtesans; are you going to tell me that the very handsome, very rich and very powerful can't find a young, hot woman to sleep with if they wanted to?


Here's a funny fact for you. Many of the men who visit courtesans are highly eligible bachelors. Paragons of male beauty, intelligence, charm and wealth. Why would I want free steak when I am certain that I will have the whole pleasures of the sensory ramifications of human experience at an extremely low risk, and with women who don't expect me to put a ring on their finger?


All of the highly eligible bachelors I know don't do that and no it's no secret sex things....I know some pretty messed up sh*t about people...how old are these bachelors you know?


As for the free steak reference so do you condone women using men for money in a way they prefer that benefits the woman...like why go out and pay for my own meal when I can take a date with insert name?



I've had colleagues who were far more beautiful than you could ever be(I've never seen you, but unless you are as good-looking as a victoria's secret model, I stay firm), whose intelligence was superior to many senior teachers of Harvard or Yale, and they worked as courtesans, some because they enjoyed the money, others had a special connection with their own sexuality, loved to have men fall so enthralled by them.

I've known models who I seriously thought had learning disabilities...some were geniuses.


I've know some heinous looking smarties and some heinous looking dumbies.


Intelligence and beauty is not always correlated and it's not always separated.


Beautiful and smart girls are prostitutes.


Beautiful girls are prostitutes.


Ugly girls are prostitutes.


Ugly and smart girls are prostitutes.


Intelligence and beauty is not always correlated or separated in who is a prostitute all that really matters is that she has a vagina and breasts depending on the target market.



The enthralling part is actually amusing because I know a girl who is smart and beautiful and she has men pay for her attention only she's not sexually servicing them.


You, compared to them, are nothing more than dust so I would temper your discriminatory tendency to make assumptions and to disregard the feelings of women whom you will never come close to, even if you were to live a thousand years.[/QUOtE]

Sort of like how most modern men compared to the great men in the past and certain great men today are nothing more than dust.



Such tasteful ignorance and such a vastly out-of-reason superiority complex you have. A man of high enough valor(whatever the criteria you use to merit a man's worth) would have you eating out of his palm, and if he was to tell you of his past with courtesans, you'd forget all about it.

Not really I've seen alphas bomb out even kings and warriors were rejected and most modern men aren't of those men caliber.



Anyway, a real man does what the hell he wants to and he's not troubled about what women think of women. That's the task of the white knight. Nice try, though(nah, not really).

Just like a real woman does what the hell what she wants to and she's not troubled about what men think of men...such as being superior or on the same level of the great men of the past and certain great men today simply because they share the same genitals as them.




The whole lot of you does not care or pretends to not know the truth, but a number too high of men are cheated on, dumped, are infected with stds by their gfs and wives, are driven to suicide as the overlaps of the devastation of their broken relationship catches them; most of the men who are married or in long-term relationships had known their partners for years, but now they are sexless and unhappy, and many of the men who try to come out of this situation lose their children and will have to pay child-support for the children they aren't allowed to see, and in many of the men who play child-support, several will end in jail if one month of alimony is skipped(even if he has no money).


Women get cheated on- stat wise they are cheated on more then men are.


Women get dumped.


STDs- men are twice more likely to give an STD than get one so...


Women go insane, commit suicide...


Women are in unsatisfying sexual marriages and unhappy


Women have to support his mistress(es) children..often times without even knowing the child(ren) exist(s)



look, for the gender that can fill one or two lines with a lame attempt at making men believe that women are the nurturing, loving, loyal sex; you are doing a lousy job.

Neither gender are the more nurturing, loving, loyal sex.


The whole denying women rights, oppression, raping, sexual assault, sexual harassment...kind of throws that off.


The whole running from being a father...throws that off like abortions does for women.


Loyal? Probably as options and opportunity allows since according to science men upgrade when given the chance and according to stats men cheat more than women.


You've shown yourself - and many, many of you women by association - to be representatives of mankind.



I don't know who's the garbage here. The women who work an honest job and fulfill their side of the bargain or the women who have the audacity to claim their bodies as the only, the ultimate receiver and creator of human intimacy, inspired in this false mockery of ''feminine hood,'' they fail to understand that some men can see when silver is being sold at the price of platinum, granting permissibility to the men who understand or know how expensive ''real intimacy'' with a ''real woman'' really is.

Neither is garbage one is in a job that she is fulfilling.


One is creating a job for herself and fulfiiling it.


Seems your issue is with the job.




PS; I'd rather sleep with courtesans than sleeping with many of you ignorant lot, beckoning my marked decision to resort to porn if I ever lose my looks, or if you, angry, women-haters burn all of the courtesans up

Okay. Not sure any woman here in this ignorant lot would want to sleep with you but hey whatever.


How do I know so much about prostitution although I am not an expert on it?


I know married men. a lot of them.

Yep this is exactly why a lot of the girls I know state that it's okay to do whatever you want in a marriage because he's probably going to a prostitute anyway. :p


So cheat if you want he already is.


Don't have sex if you don't want to you're not withholding or denying him sex he's getting some from the prostitute.


It's okay to commit paternity fraud after all he spent the resources on prostitutes.


It's okay to slam him in the divorce after all why not bleed him dry so he can't see his prostitutes anymore?

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I can't be bothered to read all that...but let's, for the sake of argument, talk about legalizing prostitution.


Would it be a safe venue for those that can't find companionship otherwise? Let's take the loneliness factor out of it, and just look at the big picture. For those who can't form a physical bond with a girl, wouldn't it be safer, and more productive, for him to engage in prostitution rather than become suicidal and kill himself?

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I don't understand how you guys write nearly half a novel's worth just to explain a post. My goodness.:eek:


Well, it is kind of interesting to read the different viewpoints. One hates women, or what women represent. The other hates men, or what men represent.


I guess it's interesting that they're going at it. If I had more time, I would have read it all.


Irregardless, I find both posters intriguing.

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Where do you take your belief that the vast majority of women who share the gift of their bodies with men are doing it out of necessity?

Nice try at sugar-coating the terrible human tragedies which occur due to prostitution. I see you like to call hookers "courtesans" and "a beautiful sisterhood" rather than plain old prostitutes. A turd is still a turd even if you call it "the beautiful fruit of my bottom".


The participants in this millennial-old profession have their own standards; a man has to enter their haven of pleasure clean, mustn't look like a freak, and in return the men are very well-treated.

If the guy is so clean and non-freakish, why can't he get a normal woman instead of turning to prostitutes?


Also I doubt if prostitutes have sex with men out of any desire to improve their quality of life. They need money, plain and simple. Many of the men who use prostitutes do abuse them, and they may also be beaten and raped by pimps, or even held captive.


This is the reality of prostitution: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3071965/ns/us_news-only_on_msnbc_com/t/infiltrating-europes-shameful-trade-human-beings/

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Eeoyre, these are still people, even if they don't fit your idea of normalcy. Many are drug addicts, many are forced into it and raped at a young age, many are abused and mistreated.


I am not advocating the usage of prostitution NOW as a solution to male virginity. I'm just arguing that, if prostitution was cleaned up, would it be a good solution for these men?


You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

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Yes, I know that prostitutes are people too - that's why I feel so sad about their predicament, and so angry at men who try to glamorise prostitution because it makes them feel better about sleeping with hookers.


I don't think prostitution can be cleaned up - the existence of legal prostitutes wouldn't stop all the illegal ones or the trade in sex slaves. There would still be some prostitutes who were being abused, so it's best for prostitution to remain illegal.


Where I think some form of prostitution could be beneficial is in "sex surrogacy" therapy for men who have serious problems with relating to women. I've seen something similar on tv, but it was in Amsterdam - the surrogate talked to the guy, and got him used to touching another person and being close with someone, and they looked at each other's bodies and kissed, and at the end of the course of therapy they had sex. The woman was a proper therapist though, not a hooker, and she provided therapy for men who had genuine problems, not just a quick physical release for any guy who has a hundred bucks to spend.

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I am a woman, and what is really bugging me about this thread are the assumptions made regarding the women that choose this profession.


While it is not a profession I would choose for myself, I respect other women's choice to do this. I don't assume that they are abused, vulnerable, or deluded just because they choose to share their bodies to make their money.


As long as they are adults, they can live their life in any way they choose (though they must deal with the legal consequences). Growing up in inner city Baltimore, I saw early on that life just isn't fair. Everyone does not have the same opportunities, circumstances or life experience. Living a good honest life does not guarantee that you will be successful or even self sufficient. Many people don't have friends or family willing to support them or their children.


IMO, it's wrong to push your morals and values on someone else. You should worry about living true to your own personal values. Others don't have to live by YOURS, and because they choose to live differently than you does not mean they are damaged, deluded or depraved. Everyone has their own cross to bear.


not just a quick physical release for any guy who has a hundred bucks to spend.


Why do you feel that "physical release" is not a valid reason to have sex? Why do you feel that YOUR reasons for sex are the only valid ones? And that any other reasons are gross or trashy?


(I get that it's because of your morals and values, but I am trying to get you to see how it is wrong to push those on others)


If you think that your future boyfriends or husband's will only want sex from you because of your amazing emotional and physical connection, then YOU are the deluded one.


The main reason that most men are driven to have sex is for physical release. Pleasure and emotional connection are added benefits, but not usually the driving force. This is why almost all men masturbate.


Us women are the ones that enjoy sex for the closeness and emotional connection, and are not as driven by physical release.


Neither motivation is right or wrong, just different. There is truth in the saying that women have sex to get love, and men give love to get sex.


Since women are the gatekeepers when it comes to sex, and men know that being honest about their motivations would likely result in the closing of that gate, men are often put in the position of exaggerating the emotional connection to get sex. Prostitution takes this element out of it, and both parties can be real. They both know the score.


You must be one of those high-brow women who think they are better than other women because you have a degree, probably in the sociology field.


I agree that she thinks she's better than other women, but I would think a sociology major would understand the motivations for sex, and the differences between the sexes, better than this poster. Her opinions are based on her personal and moral judgements, and are not objective in the least, IMO.

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Yes, I know that prostitutes are people too - that's why I feel so sad about their predicament, and so angry at men who try to glamorise prostitution because it makes them feel better about sleeping with hookers.


I don't think prostitution can be cleaned up - the existence of legal prostitutes wouldn't stop all the illegal ones or the trade in sex slaves. There would still be some prostitutes who were being abused, so it's best for prostitution to remain illegal.


Well I know this is getting a bit too political, but I just can't agree with this for two reasons.


1. A person should have the right to do what they want with their own body. If that means renting it out for sex then so be it. I wouldn't recommend it, and I wouldn't encourage anyone to do it but then again there's a long list of professions I wouldn't recommend to people.


2. The internet and other technology is making it harder than ever to enforce anti-prostitution laws. You can shut down Craigslist or any other similar websites but people will still find a way to advertise sex services. The only real way to get around this would involve a more robust law enforcement involvement which has a high potential for abuse.


The more effective solution would be to step up human trafficking prosecution and enforcement, after all sexual slavery is slavery and thus against the law already.

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Instead of doing all that, why don't we accept that adults can have sex?


It's this whole "prude-slut" thing that confuses the heck out of me! If you're a virgin, you're shamed by sluts. If you're visiting prostitutes, you're shamed by prudes.


Where, exactly, do the two meet? And do they ever meet?

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Instead of doing all that, why don't we accept that adults can have sex?


Sure, but sexual slavery (which does exist) does not count as adults having sex because one is being coerced. It would properly be defined as rape and theft/slavery all of which are illegal as it is (with or without laws against prostitution). What I was trying to explain is that blaming prostitution as a whole for the existence of sexual slavery would be like blaming the cultivation of cotton and indigo as a whole for the existence of African slaves in the American South. Never mind the fact that in other parts of the world cotton and indigo were farmed without the use of slaves.

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Its two seperate themes i see alot here on LS. Men who are virgins are often shunned. However men who use prostitutes not so much. Where im from thats extremely backwards. I personally could not bring myself to prostitution. Ever. Even on the slowest months i could never do it. Its just too shameful for me.


It just sounds like where you are from is; 'the real world'.



Male virginity on the other hand can be admirable. As long as the person isnt someone who complains about it. And most men who aren't most like screwed women below their standards. So. Whats your thoughts on this?


I agree with you but would like to pose a controversial, slightly off topic question; What is the moral difference between a man who pays a prostitute for sex when he wants it & a woman who just picks up guys for sex?

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I think that you both sides are blowing this out of proportion. I have met a few strippers/prostitutes in my days, though I do not use their services. The fact is that while there are those that may be forced, most are not that way. They either find it to be a better option than working food service for pennies or really like nice stuff. There is a waitress at my local pool hall who strips on the side and may prostitute as well. She is not forced, but she wears nice clothes and drives a BMW; it is a nicer car than I have as a professional. Most are not treated like princesses either. It is simply another way for a gold digger to get your money. The transaction would be no different if one bought an expensive purse for the girl and then she slept with him. I have a friend,a nice suburban girl with rich parents, who stripped to get back at daddy and make a lot of money when she was younger. She wanted to be wild and know dangerous people. This brings me back to my post from page 5:


As for prostitutes, I have a different opinion from most here. I have no problem with it. Is paying a prostitute worse than nailing a drunk girl, or taking advantage of some emotional girl on a rebound to get your rocks off. How about stringing along a girl in a relationship because it is easy access to sex and dumping her when it gets serious? Women here come on all the time talking about a fwb that want to date them and don't measure up in some way. Does that not hurt the guy? The truth is that most sex outside of a loving honest relationship is obtained through selfish means and most could care less if it hurts the other person (male or female). I think that prostitution is honest if nothing else. A transaction between a guy who is only interested in sex and a woman that is only interested in money.


Which of the above stated behaviors is really worse? Honestly, I highly doubt anyone with more than 2-4 partners was ever in love with all of them. Is seeing a prostitute really worse than seeing a Carrie Bradshaw type?

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I agree with you but would like to pose a controversial, slightly off topic question; What is the moral difference between a man who pays a prostitute for sex when he wants it & a woman who just picks up guys for sex?


This is honestly one of my questions as well.

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Instead of doing all that, why don't we accept that adults can have sex?

Most people do accept some just don't accept all circumstances of sex- paying for the sex, age gap, different race.



It's this whole "prude-slut" thing that confuses the heck out of me! If you're a virgin, you're shamed by sluts. If you're visiting prostitutes, you're shamed by prudes.

It's not that confusing.

Virgin...some people don't want a virgin and see sexual inexperience as a turn off. Others go even farther and see you as having issues if this virginity wasn't a choice but made by circumstances. Though some still think problems like being super religious even if the virginity is by choice.


Prude..some people don't want to have sex with people who visit prostitutes.



Where, exactly, do the two meet?

For those that do not want a guy who visits prostitutes or a virgin they probably meet when a guy has consensual sex with parties of legal age that aren't prosititutes.


And do they ever meet?

Probably not in the way you want them to. People are different and some will not like your actions.

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sanman; you bring up a good point; the guy some gal picks up for sex might be drawn into what he thinks is more to it than casual sex, were with a prostitute both parties know exactly what they are there for. I actually think the prostitute is the most moral one in the equation. At least she's making a living & not telling any lies, at least not any she isn't getting paid to tell.

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