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Respect for Time In A LDR

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So my SO and I have run into a sticky situation in regards to timing and keeping the other up to speed on their day or what not.


When we plan to talk and she changes her plans that alter the time I have set out and anticipated to talk to her I feel hurt and completely disrespected as a human being. My time and effort is important to me and we discussed this once already. She continues to disregard my time and claims that I am being dramatic.


We are 3000 miles apart, 3 hour time difference. The window's of time we can talk we try to make that happen. But within the last week she has not kept up with our times when we can talk. I understand both of us have busy lives and stuff we are doing everyday. We talk every night and regularly discuss plans and when we will get to talk to each other.


I feel stuck.

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I understand the feeling, my boyfriend is only an hour time difference (780 miles away) and sometimes it feels like even that can muddle things. Plus we different schedules, I can never remember what time his classes get out (the time differences makes everything harder) so communication is difficult. We usually do talk every day though, unless one of us is out of cell phone range. Still, we usually talk every night and if I'm out doing something (almost always school related) I forget the time difference and by the time I get back he's asleep and has left me a few texts. I feel terrible, but we talk through out the day in short bursts.


Another great way of keeping in touch, is email and snail mail, just drop a line to let her know you're thinking about her, or send a nice letter or package in the mail. There's something magical about getting something in the mail (for me at least). I have family 3 hours away ( I guess now it's 2..) and communicating with them is very difficult, we only talk maybe once a week, but do email each other and text. Texting pictures through out the day is also a wonderful way to keep connected.


Don't feel to dejected, it's hard being in a long distance relationship, but it doesn't have to be so stressful.

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I find that in LDR's, you need to pick your battles. You state that you talk every night, but the way you explain the situation makes me feel as though you aren't fulfilled by either the amount or the caliber of communication. Talk to her. If she feels like the two of you are communicating enough, she might not truly understand that your current feelings of missing her require her be a bit more attentive for a while.


In talking to her, you might find that having things so... structured... is a huge turn off for her.

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