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find it strange


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i find it strange how my ex was just on facebook, yet i thought she left to travel this morning. and i find it strange or annoying if anything, that when she is online she never talks to me.


its always me who makes the first move. its been this way since we broke up and she decided that staying in a relationship whilst she is away isnt the best idea.




i still feel bad for suggesting to her that we wouldn't work and made it seem that i didn't want to be with her whilst she goes. but its like neither one of us wanted to make a decision either way. she knew i wanted to go see her whilst she's out there. and in the end i did manage to go see her 7 weeks before she was due to leave, i explained my actions or what i had said, i expressed my feelings about the whole thing but by that point she wanted to do it alone and that a break up was best and staying together wasnt practical, ending on good terms.. for the future so we can reconnect or see each other again, and see where both of us were at, single etc.


rant over

Edited by Dblock10
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Bruised Not Broken

Just an FYI if she has FB on her phone, she may appear online even if she isn't if it isn't logged off. People IM me all the time on there thinknig I'm on, when I'm not, and my phone isn't set to notify me.

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