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Oh, the reminders in life...


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Okay, why is it that all of a sudden he's EVERYWHERE? Well, sort of. Why does it seem the further I get away from him, something out there has to remind me? Let me just say, I'm not upset. But more amused. I've realized for the past few months that I can't get away from reminders of him, and it's starting to get ridiculous. On job applications at work, in songs, in magazines, a customer talking about her kid with the same name. I do a random search on Google that has absolutely nothing to do with him. What are the first results that pop up? Something with his name in it. Or I'd be typing away on my laptop with the TV on mute. It was on some sort of cooking show, and the moment I happen to look up there's a chef on TV who looks like him and with his name. It goes on n' on.


Of all books, I pick up a book in the bookstore with an interesting cover, only to see the author's name made up of MY first name and his first name. What is the book about? Some romance novel about a parallel life where love is literally seen as a disease in society, and every person is cured from it with a medical procedure at age 16. Go figure. I fell for 'him' at age 17. So apparently, I missed the boat in this book. :rolleyes: Oh, and get this. What is the book called? Delirium. Again, go figure. :rolleyes:


Now, what am I looking at tonight as I read another book? I'm lying there, reading along, and there it is. Page 157, first paragraph, his name in huge italic letters. It's actually getting kind of funny how even if you're determined to move on, the more often you run into little reminders of your exes.


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Same here, of the last four or five women I've interacted with ( I make it a point now to find a way of introduction and talk with any interesting women I meet***) their first name was the same as my wife's, strange indeed.....


*** Story here about this method, when I was about 8 there was old Gypsy guy who worked for my uncle who always used to tease me, ask me "do you have a girlfriend yet", I'd always say" No I don't" . He'd reply, "but it's easy to find a girl friend". One day I got mad at him always asking me and said , "okay you tell me how if it's so easy" His immortal words to me were, " you go to anywhere there are pretty girls, even a bus Stop and ask one to come home with you" I laughed at him and said "they'd slap my face", to which he replied, "Yes, maybe 8 or 9 out of ten will slap your face...but one will say yes!" In retrospect I realize he wasn't kidding...

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That's funny because the same thing happened to me. I was in a sci-fi lit class, got behind in my readings, so I had to lump them all into two full days of reading. In one of them the character had the first and last name of my ex, the second had someone with the last name of the girl he was ignoring me for, and everywhere I saw Joe, Joe, JOE. I wanted to gouge my eyes out.


Recently though I've felt like this. I saw my ex driving behind one night, on a road he rarely uses near my house, and yesterday after having lunch with my mom, I run into his mom and brother, who were elated to see me (the last time I saw them was when I had to tell them why their son had run off, and that it would be the last time we would see each other as their son and I would be breaking up). I am being blessed with all these lovely reminders. Hopefully though it'll be our exes who experience this; hopefully when we are so far moved past them and they have no chance. :]

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I know the feeling with things and girls I try to go on dates with recently. Any thoughts of happiness or further steps with a girl just makes me think of my ex-fiancee.


It is like she is behind me whipping me every time I try to move on :(.

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i know what you mean. the ex had mentioned that he met one of his girlfriends (the first one he ever made art work for - - he never made anything for me) while they worked at wells fargo - - which has since bought out wachovia. which was everywhere around here. so everywhere i go now i see that damned logo :mad:. i flippin hate it.

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