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what to do?!

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OKay, here me out, this may sound worse than it is. I am presently trapped, unwittingly, in the middle of a love triangle of sorts. My friend likes me, lets call him Bob, but so does joe my ex-boyfriend. To top it off, Fred, my friend Bob best friend seems to be interested in my too. I'm not sure what happened here. What's worse, I'm sort of seeing Bob, Joe is my best friend but there is also a strong emotional bond between Fred and I. Bob got drunk at a party and called me every name in the book and Fred was my knight in shining armor. Than bob apologized and I forgave him but fred and I talked constantly on AOL (instant messenger), he referred to me as his perfect girl. He won't do a thing because of Bob. However, Bob'e eyes stray when he's with me and i'm uncertain. I've ruled out Joe, except he kissed me a while ago and is now coming home for Christmas (to my house rather). Who do I choose and how do I do it tactfully? HELP!

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go for Fred.

OKay, here me out, this may sound worse than it is. I am presently trapped, unwittingly, in the middle of a love triangle of sorts. My friend likes me, lets call him Bob, but so does joe my ex-boyfriend. To top it off, Fred, my friend Bob best friend seems to be interested in my too. I'm not sure what happened here. What's worse, I'm sort of seeing Bob, Joe is my best friend but there is also a strong emotional bond between Fred and I. Bob got drunk at a party and called me every name in the book and Fred was my knight in shining armor. Than bob apologized and I forgave him but fred and I talked constantly on AOL (instant messenger), he referred to me as his perfect girl. He won't do a thing because of Bob. However, Bob'e eyes stray when he's with me and i'm uncertain. I've ruled out Joe, except he kissed me a while ago and is now coming home for Christmas (to my house rather). Who do I choose and how do I do it tactfully? HELP!
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OK, since I don't really know the whole situation, I'll judge based on your first letter. I think that Bob should be out of the picture because no matter how drunk a guy is, if he really cares for you, or if he's at least half decent, he would've never called you all the names he called you, understand? Through all the experiences I've had and seen myself, this is something that just can't be tolerated! Have some respect for yourself.


I think the first step you should take is to make sure Fred is willing to take the next step with you if you were not with Bob. I mean, what if you're just over reading his actions? So make sure Fred is really interested in you. The saddest thing is when you create a fiction in your head about all these men around you and it turns out to be a true fiction. I've been through it myself. So if Fred really likes you and you guys have decided to be together, then tell Bob about your decision. Well, too bad if he gets hurt...who's more important anyway, you or him? I know it sucks to hurt other people's feelings, but always know your priorities--which in this situation is your emotions.

How do I tell Bob then? Will Fred go for me if Bob and him are friends? I think that is what's holding him back! Thanks sooo much and have a merry christmas!!
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OK, since I don't really know the whole situation, I'll judge based on your first letter. I think that Bob should be out of the picture because no matter how drunk a guy is, if he really cares for you, or if he's at least half decent, he would've never called you all the names he called you, understand? Through all the experiences I've had and seen myself, this is something that just can't be tolerated! Have some respect for yourself. I think the first step you should take is to make sure Fred is willing to take the next step with you if you were not with Bob. I mean, what if you're just over reading his actions? So make sure Fred is really interested in you. The saddest thing is when you create a fiction in your head about all these men around you and it turns out to be a true fiction. I've been through it myself. So if Fred really likes you and you guys have decided to be together, then tell Bob about your decision. Well, too bad if he gets hurt...who's more important anyway, you or him? I know it sucks to hurt other people's feelings, but always know your priorities--which in this situation is your emotions.

True. SO true. Thank you so much for your advice, i can't tell you how much it means! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas and Have a happy New Year! Wish me luck, I'll see them both on the 27th. I'll let you know what I find out because I'm certain to know something after staying with them for three days! Later, Lee.

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And I hope to hear from you soon. Even if things don't work out, please don't worry...because life is always meant to turn out better for you. This is from my own experience! If you have further problems, I'm always here to give you my opinions so...

True. SO true. Thank you so much for your advice, i can't tell you how much it means! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas and Have a happy New Year! Wish me luck, I'll see them both on the 27th. I'll let you know what I find out because I'm certain to know something after staying with them for three days! Later, Lee.
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