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I never knew it could hurt like this


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I have "dumped" but never been dumped, until now. Every ounce of my being wants things back the way they were. Its been over a month and I still cry daily. I don't see a path forward-I'm lonely. I don't have a lot of friends and my family are busy. I'm depressed. Some things I enjoy, but there is always the whole in my heart. We were a couple for five years-owned a home together. I want that type of long term relation ship (and I'd like it in a matter of weeks, please :))


I'm waiting for this to get easier.

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I have "dumped" but never been dumped, until now. Every ounce of my being wants things back the way they were. Its been over a month and I still cry daily. I don't see a path forward-I'm lonely. I don't have a lot of friends and my family are busy. I'm depressed. Some things I enjoy, but there is always the whole in my heart. We were a couple for five years-owned a home together. I want that type of long term relation ship (and I'd like it in a matter of weeks, please :))


I'm waiting for this to get easier.


Welcome to the club. Getting dumped is by far the worst feeling you can get. Especially for that long of time. Mine was with someone for 8 years. I'm at almost month 4, and I'm still filled with mixed emotions. Mostly anger, and hate lately. Jumping in with someone may seem like the right thing to do, but with the way you're feeling, that'll end just as bad. You can try doing what I'm doing, by working out, and building yourself back up. Venting on here helps too.

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What you are going through is one of the toughest experiences in life. I've been there and understand how you feel. It's very difficult to focus on work, life, or anything other than the relationship for that matter. It does get better. It takes time though. My ex left me after a 14yr relationship. I made him at the age of 16yrs old and he left after cheating with our 22yr old nanny. He was 37 at the time. I was devastated. We had 2 kids, a home and business together. Our lives were intertwined. It took about 18months to undue what took 14yrs to build up. But emotionally I got better and finally moved on. I started dating and getting more involved in social activities. Staying at home, sulking and being depressed will never make you feel better. I even used my work to keep me busy so I didnt dwell on my fear of being alone. It's now 5yrs later and I'm quite happy. I'm in a new relationship (we have our ups and downs like all couples) but I feel like this is the one. And I'm finally happy again. Good luck with everything...and just remember it will take time.

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