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did the right thing... maybe


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The last few years have been hard on the wife and I. Having kids and marital problems and so she took the kids and went to her mothers. She dated someone and eventually I started seeing a facebook friend I knew from high school. She's never been married nor had any kids but she claimed she was ready to take that on and start a relationship with me. We both agreed we would take things super slow. Since she knew I was separated with a divorce in the future she was still a little worried that if my stbxw wanted to reconcile that I would leave her in the dust. I must have explained it dozens of times that my ex wife had moved on and that I have moved on by dating her and she had nothing to fear.

It didn't really help either that she was so fragile and even spent a week in psychiatrics because she had stopped taking her meds a while before we got together. I felt a little responsible for her mental health as the rest of her family are jaded when it comes to her breaks from reality and they are slow in getting her help.

I moved to the town my ex and kids are living for my new job and to keep close to my sons, leaving my new girlfriend an hour away. So there became no time for her.

A really simple relevation and a new understanding has made the wife and I realize that we can work it out and we have been sleeping together for a week

Ever so gently I tried to break it off with the girl but she argues every out I try to use. It almost feels like the only breakup scenario she would accept is the one thing she has been afraid of. She even had to be admitted again for 72 hours after an arguement arose when I tried to break it off again. I'm running out of things to say and I hate feeling responsible for her mental well-being when I can't even do right by her.....


I can't be with this girl and have my wife too. I can't seem to find a way to let her go without hurting her but I feel that my place is with my boys and wife, but I can't tell her that because I promised her I wouldn't go back.... HELP!!

Edited by btbarnum
typos galore
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