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to jenna


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i was just wondering how old you are, i know that that is a personal question, but i was just wondering cause you have very good advice and seem very knowledgeable about alot of the posts. thank you for you advice earlier to me. i did look back and notice somewhat of a pattern with pms and fighting with my bf. however i am in my later thirties and have not ever noticed such a pattern so pronoucned as this one. maybe perimenopause is making it worse, hard to say.......but thank you just the same. carmel

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Thank you for the compliment-and I hope that your situation gets better. Hormones can wreak all kinds of havoc on our personal lives- but thankfully- no matter what the cause- PMS, pueberty, pre-menopause etc..- the are all kinds of treatments.


I am 29 years old- but feel 59 sometimes with all of the experiences I have had thus far. Some of my advise is based on my own life- trying to teach others from my mistakes- and some of it is from studying and reading on related subjects. I love to watch people-"observe" might be a better word- I think that people and their relationships with others are fascinating- especially when I know a little of their back ground- it makes it easier to understand where they are coming from- and why they act the way they do- good or bad.


Sometimes- observing others- helps me solve my own problems.


Good Luck Carmel- Jenna

jenna, i was just wondering how old you are, i know that that is a personal question, but i was just wondering cause you have very good advice and seem very knowledgeable about alot of the posts. thank you for you advice earlier to me. i did look back and notice somewhat of a pattern with pms and fighting with my bf. however i am in my later thirties and have not ever noticed such a pattern so pronoucned as this one. maybe perimenopause is making it worse, hard to say.......but thank you just the same. carmel
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