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This constant seeing/hearing (about) him is making me want to break NC


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Yesterday morning when I drove to work I felt surprisingly good. However when I passed by the street where I would often pick up my ex (we work together and his bus stop is on the road I take to work), there he was. :( It pretty much messed me up for the rest of the day. I sat at my desk sulking for hours.


And just now one of my closest colleagues was talking about him and whenever they do that it seems like a punch in the gut. He works quite far away from where I'm sitting but the two people sitting right in front of me work together with him quite closely (and, as if that wasn't bad enough, also with another guy who has the same first name).


At the same time it just really makes me want to contact him. He's so closeby, they're talking to him, why can't I? Everyone in the building has work IM installed so he's really just two clicks away at any time.


Honestly I don't get how it's been almost 3 months and he hasn't contacted me at all. Sometimes I wonder whether we were in the same relationship? How is this even possible? I've never had so much in common with someone and he said the same thing about me. I thought he'd at least have asked how I'm doing or something.


Just having a weak moment I guess. :(

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Hey Yuzuki, sorry to hear.


I know how hard it is when even just when you see them. I both live next door to my ex and work at the same place. What a nightmare.


Be strong though. They're simply not worth the pain that you'll feel when you don't receive the response you want, if any at all. That really is the crux of it. They're good for nothing losers. Really.

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Oh my gosh. That's even worse. :eek: I hope you're coping okay.


I haven't contacted him and I'm glad I didn't. You're right, it wouldn't be worth it. I'm just really craving the contact lately, and when the people around you are talking about what he said to them it drives you nuts. I want to forget he even exists, not hear what he's up to on a daily basis. But I can't exactly tell them to shut up because they're talking about it for work reasons.

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Eek, I feel for you. My ex and I are in the same tight knit social circle. I see him all the time (and his new gf) Doesnt it suck to have to work with them, live near them, attending tons of mutual friend events, etc??!! It def gives me a sinking gut feeling when I know I will see him, or even if someone mentions him. He lives in an apartment with some of our friends, plus his name always comes up somewhere if I am out with our mutual friends.


I like how you said, "were we even in the same relationship?!.."...I think the same. How things can change so fast. I know it is tough seeing him, and having him make no contact or just seem so whatever. We are part of the unfortunate bunch that are stuck being reminded of our ex and all the hurt, in person! :mad: Sorry I cant offer up much advice, I just know the last few months I have toughed through it best I can, bc damn if I am letting him ruin my social life. hang in there, it will get a bit easier...I dont even speak to him now, even if I am at his apt hah.

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