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so disappointed in myself! NC FAILURE


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WE broke NC again. he text, i text, irrelevant. the fact that it was broken AGAIN & we spoke after everything he did to me shows that i really have issues.


we really have issues, it is SO TOXIC between us & it's the same ol, same ol & we always go back to it.


but what happened this weekend showed me a completely different person, a guy i didnt even know existed in him! i cant believe what he did, but it happened, so now i gotta deal with it.

im sad i let it get to this point, but maybe this is what i needed. a blunt reality check, bc nothing he can say can make up for what he did this last time...


nothing. im so confused and disappointed in myself for letting it get this far, if i just would have walked away or if he just would have walked away... =(

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