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How to meet a girl in class?


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So I sit beside this hot girl in study hall and want to get to know her. It's study hall so most people just do homework or sit. What's the best way to start talking to her?

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Ask her something about herself. Something not too personal, maybe a question about her classes or a teacher or whatever pops into your brain. If she seems receptive, keep asking her questions, chicks LOVE to talk about themselves and they live to gossip. Just make sure you don't make that turn into the friend zone. That's never good. I'm far out of school, but I always liked talking about music. Remember, make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything. :)


I hope I helped a little and good luck!

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So I sit beside this hot girl in study hall and want to get to know her. It's study hall so most people just do homework or sit. What's the best way to start talking to her?



If you notice her doing something from a class you know: a+b=c-4, ah you're in a math class? How do you like the professor?


Or not doing anything at all: man it's boring in here. What other classes do you have? I bet they're more interesting than this.



OK, so those are overly simply. But hey, at least you're talking :)

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