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Ex that just doesnt get the picture...cuz she isnt in it.

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I'm so mad right now I could spit fire! My bf has this horrible ex who wont go away. He's had to screen his calls to avoid her adn has been successful til today. She moved and called him from adifferent number that he didnt recognizeand he answered the phone. SHe toldhim that she hadmoved (like he cares) then started asking about things that arent any of her business. They hung up and he put the number on the list of restricted numbers. Then he called me and told me what happened. This was the last straw. I'd been really good about not saying anything and letting him handle it, but she just isnt getting the hint. I've had her cell # the entire timebut never used it til today. I didnt even call her because I knew I'd get too pissed. I sent her a text message basically saying good riddance, buzzoff, he isnt your business anymore, and that she was pathetic for trying for so long to stick her nose into our business (they've been broken up for well over a year and he doesnt speak to her unless she pulls this kind of stunt).


The hag then calls my bf back, which he didnt answer because he was wise to her crap by now. She left a whiny msg saying I texted her and was mean. I was so p[issed off I could barely see straight! She sticks her nose into our business and thinksnothing of it then has the audacity to cry about it when I finally take matters into my own hands. I really didnt want to have to contact her in any way, but she just want getting the hints he was giving her.


I dont really need any advice, but I wanted to vent this one out! I told my bf what I'd done and he was fine with it. He said he wished I didnt because of her blowing up his phone whining on his voice mail but that he understood why I hadto do it. I also told him I wasnt sorry I did it. And I'm not. I fell ahell of alot better now that she knws I'm onto her BS. SHe thought he wasnt telling me when she leftmsgs and called him, but he always did. I'll bet we dont hear from her again for a while and thats fine and dandy with me. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

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Yeesh, some people don't get the hint. Just keep a record of her calls and voice mails. If it continues tell your bf to nail her for harassment.

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Well, here's an update. Lasst night the hag called again and he told her IN FRONT OF ME to not call him anymore AND we are going to get him a new cell phone and number asap. That way she wont have any number to reach him at. She said she didnt want to cause a "problem" (what the hell did she think she was doing? Causing happiness?) and wanted to know if that was what he wanted or if he was just doing it for me. He told her that it was what he wanted. He told her he's with me now and that he doesnt want to talk to her again. She wanted to know how I knew she was calling him and he had to TELL her that he told me. She seemed incredulous that he would tell me. What a moron! It waslike she thought he was going to lie to me to cover up for her! Some people just dont get it! The call literally took about 90 seconds and hopefully, we'll never hear from her again. He then apologized to me for having to deal with her and her juvenile crap. I told him I wasnt going to text her, but that I was no longer going to stand for her disrespecting me. She knew he was wioth me and continued as if he was still with her, and I see that as disrespect. I wasnt raised to let people treat me like garbage and I wasnt going to start now. I'm not sorry at all that I forced the issue because it had to happen eventually. At least it got done on my terms. BYE BYE HAG!!!!

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