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Do you ever forget your first love?


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Just curious to see what everyone's story is. Me, I'm still crazy about my first love, but it won't work out so we just keep in touch every couple of weeks via text. I haven't seen him in 6 months either. But I feel like he's my soulmate, whether romantically or platonically, somewhere down the road I think we remain close.


My current ex, I was his first girlfriend and his first time. So if he feels half of what I feel for my first love, then I know he's suffering and take a litlte pleasure from it, no matter how wrong it may be.

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Damn that was ages ago... 12 years? I'd say I'll never forget her. I still remember how she tastes, the smell of her hair, everything.

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No, definately not. About two years ago (We broke up around 9 years ago) she waltzed back into my life. She had moved to connecticut and I was just getting over T. I knew she had cheated on me with 5+ guys when we broke up. She walked into a bar I was in, and we chatted. We were friendly before, but this time, she professed her love to me, desire to see if things would work, etc.


Well, I almost fell for it - then I found out she had a BF in connecticut that she was on thin ice with. She was looking for an out. I was the one she walked out on, now it'd be another guy.


I'm her friend still, but she hasn't changed her ways. Not worth my time. Sometimes old dogs don't learn new tricks.

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My first love was a girl I started dating senior year of high school. We were LDR for one year then I transferred to her college. We dated for another year and then we broke up. I started my second relationship soon after. When that ended last month I decided to get back in touch with my first love as she still goes here. I had absolutely no romantic intentions in meeting with her. It was nice, a little awkward, but nice. I don't really find her attractive anymore, I liked my recent ex so much more than her. Despite ending well, I would never go back to my first love.

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I had forgotten mine until I saw this thread, so, yes I have completely lost all feelings for him, never think of him and don't care where he is in life.


I was 24 and I gave him my virginity. I do remember that part. lol

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Forget? IMO, no


Put into perspective? with time, yeah.


I had occasion to do just that only a couple minutes ago. Time elapsed since inception? Over a generation. Since last encounter? About two years.


It is what it is; part of living.

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My first love would become my husband then my Ex. I think its like carhill said. Perception...time...make things palpable. Somehow I've learned to accept the "today", and from that I can look back on fair fondness of what was gained and how it set the stage for other relations. I still have adoration and regard for him, yet its more of a kinship....after surviving things, not so much the "Love" of long ago. Big difference.

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Oh no, I was crazy about my first love, much less so after time and separation, but I will never forget him. It felt as though we were soul mates and our relationship would be perfect, but it was long distance and it took its toll. We were only together for a couple of months but I was in love with him for much longer. We're still friends but I would never get into a relationship with him again, I've seen he's not the most loyal of guys.

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My first love and I broke up for some very solid and valid reasons. I don't think we would have ultimately been happy together. But it was a special relationship and I will always have love for him...I haven't spoken to or seen him in Y E A R S. Last I heard he had a couple of kids with a woman who already had a couple of kids. I hope he's very very happy and that she's well suited for him - when we were together neither of us wanted children at all, so to think of him with four is a little amusing.


I am still in contact with his grandparents - they raised him and for the last couple of years of high school they thought for sure he and I were going to get married. I am still sort of a part of the family. We don't talk often, but when we do it's very nice. And It's not usually about him at all....they love seeing my kids and they really like my H - he gets along quite well w them...As for my ex - I hope he visits them, lets them see the kids and such, but I don't know. I think it's best I don't. If It were bad, I'd be bothered by it...so this way I can just hope and believe his life is good and he's a good guy still and go from there.

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No... you don't.


For me the best way to say it is he will probably haunt me the rest of my life. That's just the kind of person I am. I could be with someone else and happy with them, but something I see will remind me of him (my exH) and I will get that bittersweet pang... wondering if he feels the same way when he sees something that reminds him of me.


I was also his first love, so yeah.

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interestingly enough after 20 years she has come back into my life and has really helped me with what i have been going through.


we always had something special and when we parted years ago it was her with a case of gigs. it is amazing how i keep running into that same type. but i guess it is really not. i know that it is mostly about who i seek out and realize that now.


now she is chasing me and it feels good even after 20 years. i guess anything to take the mind off of the present and the most recent b/u is a good thing. and yes i am keeping all this in perspective. and no i won't rebound.


but trust me it is very interesting to be sure..............

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Nope, I'll never forget her. But I also know exactly where she fit into my life and how she was meant to shape me...and for that, I appreciate her. We don't talk anymore, but I wish her the best.

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I met my first love in 4th grade when he was moved into our class partway through the year. It was love at first sight. :love:


In 8th grade, I fell in love with the neighbor boy who waited for me at the corner so we could walk to school together. :love:


I fell in love with a guy I hung out with on summer vacation when I was 15. First real teenage kisses! :love:


In college, I fell in love with the guy who made me very curious about sex. :love:


In grad school, I fell in love with a romantic poet who could also fix my car. :love:


And later, I fell in love with a man who's been in my life ever since, one way or another. :love:


So no, I don't forget the people I fall in love with. :cool:


For me, it always feels different each time I fall in love, so it always feels like the "first time".

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I have not forgot my first love, she was the only true lady I have ever dated. I was young wanted to party and experience other woman. She got married and we reconnected YEARS later. I know she is a wonderful woman and I blow a chance with her but I wouldn't be the man I am today if I had not done the things I did. But I NEVER forgot her, just wasn't meant to be. Hell we even went to Europe to see if we could fine the spark.

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I'll never forget her, spent nearly two years together and were friends for a couple years before that. I feel with any ex you had a LTR with, you remember but the emotion tied to that person wilts away to eventually nothing.

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Yes, I remember that person very well, but I'm not thinking about our story anymore. It has been 6 years ago ??


I saw that person again about 6 months ago and I must say the feelings were still there, but very much locked up inside. We just hang out as 'friends' ...


Lol, now I know why he didn't contact me anymore, and why I didn't too.


Hey, he has a girlfriend and all, I don't want to come in between them. :cool:

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mine was captivating, loved him but he didn't love me, five years later i ran into him - he looked like right jerk and/or i'd fallen out of love - and he liked me and smiled but he jus looked like a jerk! sorry, but living in the past jus means u have a crappy now xx

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You can get over them. I mooned over mine for many years. When we were both divorced in our 30's we reunited and married. Tomorrow we meet in court for a hearing on the back child support he owes me since our divorce after 10 years of marriage. Some things end for a reason and should stay that way. The energy you put into mooning over the first love could be better spent finding your true love.:rolleyes:

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I just feel sad when I thought about my first love. Yes it was pretty recent but still I think I should have been over him by now.

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Yeah my first love is also the reason I am on here, dated for 5 years, broke up many times. This time for good. Hurts everyday that she gave up on me.

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Not my first love, but someone who affected me dramatically.


I still remember how we met, the day we met, and everything. Senior Year of high school. January 8th, 2010. She approached me asking "Which one is the teacher, the man or the lady?" I told her the lady and we start flirting, soon she asks to hang out at taco bell after school, and I agreed. After school, We wait outside for her friends, and she brings me into the library across the street. Eventually we end up kissing. We went to taco bell and I told her I had to go because I was going to record something with my friend. As I walked home, she texts me if I got home safe and we text and i ask her to be my girl. We end up texting until 12 in the morning and then I call. talk until 3 in the morning.


3 days later, we have the same lunch period together, so we hang out making out there. When it was time to go to class, she walks me to my class and we make out and cuddle until class begins. Never have I felt that feeling about any girl I ever met in my entire life. I was dazed out for the rest of the class. Some days after this I tell her I love her, and she loved me too, and it got more intense.


5th day, I go out on my first official date ever with her, to a buffet, and after that she gives me a quickie in the back of my car. A week later we have sex.


In the beginning of this relationship, I had another girl that I wanted to let go of but forgot to because I was just with her just to have a girlfriend. I broke up with her but got guilty and told my ex. She flips out and withdraws from me for a day, but gets over it and we continue like normal.


One day she was not talking to me for some reason, so I ended up approaching another girl on the street flirting with her. My dumb self thought this was cheating and I told her just that, and she flips out, this time breaking up with me.


I go ballistic and cried the whole day. She accepts me back the next day, but things aren't the same. She was very distant and quiet with me. She tells me she wants a break like a week later for two weeks. One week into that two week period, she breaks up with me for good. Apparently she tells me she cheated on me with her best friend. I still wanted her but she didn't want me. This relationship as 1.5 months...


I go ballistic again, but this time she didn't accept me back. My mood was up and down, but mostly down for the next 2 months. I cried everyday. I was depressed. Check into a hospital so they can help me with suicidal thoughts I was having.


After the hospital, I went to therapy. I changed schools, even though I had like 2 months left of the school year.


Our friendship was rocky. It would be off and on. Everytime it was on, she would throw the cheating back in my face everytime I tried to ask her out. Eventually during the summer I told her some mean and nasty things about how she was broke, and how her family was a bunch of drunks and idiots, and how they didnt care about her and I had a caring family... I cut contact here.


A year later, she is still stuck on my mind. When I talked to her a couple of days ago, she throws that in my face also along with the cheating. The best part after nearly a year w/o contact: She is pregnant with someone elses child. So I cut contact with her again today and hope I don't go back to that mess...wish me luck.

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You don't forget your first love, but you do move on eventually.

I was 15 and in high school and we dated a few months. He was my first bf and it was very exciting. He wanted to get to know me and I remember he walked me all the way home, which was kilometres away from where he lived [and in the opposite direction]. It was very innocent. But then he dumped me out of the blue one day, by phone. He said I was too quiet. I was devasted and I didn't want to breakup.


Then months later he started dating his cousins friend. I still had classes with him. It was complete torture for me. We never spoke again. Whenever he saw me he would do full PDA with his new girlfriend. Kissing, making out, the full works. I am postive to this day he did it on purpose. Maybe once or twice, but EVERY single time, thats not a coicendence!


I was happy when I finished year 12 and never had to see them again. They CONSTANTLY threw their relationship in face. A friend told me that he moved interstate with the new girlfriend. I don't know if thats true. But I never saw him again.

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