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"In love, sh'es leaving, do anything to be w/ her, what do I do?"

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OK, here goes.

I am in love. This girl at my school is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen or known in my entire life. I have been in love with her for seven months, not a very lengthy period of time, I know. But compared to how long I have left to see her, seven months is like an eternity.


She's graduating in less than a month and i can't stop thinking about her. See, I realized i loved her when i decided to ask her to our school's homecoming dance and got butterflies in my stomach when she said yes. later in the year i told her that i had feelings for her, i didn't tell her i loved her because i didn't know how she truly felt about me. Also for Christmas i gave her a beautiful necklace, but i don't think she's ever worn it.


Truthfully i don't think she really likes me that much, but i'm not sure. She doesn't really seem interested in me and doesn't talk to me all that much but if i start a conversation with her she'll talk to me like we're good friends.


I think about her every day and it's hard not to stare when i pass her in the halls. I really don't think i have a chance of being with her but i truly would give ANYTHING to be with her just once. I just want to hold her close and kiss her and know that just for that moment, she loves me. I'll admit it sometimes i even cry when i think about her leaving.


When she goes, i may never see her again in my entire life. Some people would say "There'll be others", but there will never be another person in my entire existence like her. I really don't want to love anyone else, ever. I wish more than anything that she could stay. I may just have to go to my prom alone or just not even go at all, because i'm not going with anyone unless somehow, by some miracle i go with her.


I have about one more month to try to do something to let her know just how much i love her before she goes. So if anyone, and i mean anyone, has some advice, i will welcome it with open arms.

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I suggest writing her a letter if you don't think you can sit down with her in person and ask straight out how she feels. If you think about it, what have you go to lose by just asking?? She will tell you the truth. I wish I had more to say, but for now step one would be to just find out where she stands. You shouldnt do anything more right now. If you want to keep me posted or talk more about this, feel free -- you can always private message me too. I can't imagine how sad you are for her to leave. Try and put your focus on other things in your life that keep your mind off of her! Yea, easier said than done. :)


Best wishes!

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  • 5 months later...

Jus like you i was in the same situation but i was the senior and she was a sophmore in high school. I like her the same way you did, never could stop thinking about her, never could stop staring at her, talking or bieng next to her, and love her so much that i couldn't go a day without her. Jus the same situation like you. and her prom was around the corner...it was either i go to prom with my friends and hold my head up high and think about her throughout the whole night or not go at all. My decision was like your if i couldn't go with her then i wouldn't go at all. Eventually me and her went to prom and it was the greatest memory of your life. but if you want that to happen and more then you have to do what should be done and that is taking a risk of going up to her and asking her out, chances are things will be the way you want or not but you won't know untill you give it a try!!! I had to do the same thing and it was the best thing i've ever done for myself. So qutie holding it in yourself and go and ask her before you lose tis oppurtunity...if you can't ask her in person then write her a note/letter telling her that you really like her( don't write anything about how much you love her and that you can't stand being without her that might scare her depending how on strong her love is for you as well) and that you would like to go out with her. Basically your taking a risk that is worht the chances...look at it on the bright side as a oppurtunity that shouldn't be passed up. if it is passed up you'll regret it knowing that you never did anything!!!!! trust me!!! ask her out!!!no matter what her answer is!!!!!

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