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my friends say he loves me, but it doesn't feel like that..

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well..I've been talking to my friend for quite a while, and its grown to me liking him a lot..and well..I tell my friends all about it, and post up some funny stuff he tells me, and sometimes it feels like he doesn't return my feelings for him..and my friends tell me that he feels the same way I do..or so it looks like it.


The other thing is, I'm afraid to talk about it because I'm either rejected or told "he does like you!" or "Don't have feelings for him, go for this guy." and that just gets me angry..I'm also afraid to ask him how he feels about me.


How..what the h-e-doublehockeysticks do I do?!

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Try and leave your friends out of this. The "relationship" is about, and should be only between, the two of you. You simply need to talk with him about this and find out from him how he feels. You need to know the truth, even if it's not exactly what you want to hear -- it will be better to find out now rather than later. This could also turn out great -- you could finally hear what youve been waiting for. You dont want to keep going on this way, confused and wondering, and having to ask other people what they think. That's enough to drive a person crazy! Just suck it up and talk to him. ;) If you absolutely cannot do it in person, send him an email or write him a letter. Tell him how you feel and ask him how he feels. You have nothing to lose if you think about it!


Good luck!! :D

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