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Missing his place?


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I seem to have a problem in coping with this breakup that I haven't seen anyone mention before. Beginning to think I'm a little crazy. :confused:


I just really really miss my ex boyfriend's apartment. I think it might be because we used to spend every weekend there together so a lot of the memories of the relationship took place there.


Still, I find myself obsessing over trying not to forget small details like which piece of furnishment was where etc. I keep imagining myself being there and walking through the rooms, and the thought that I will never be back there and that I'm going to lose grip on these memories because they'll get blurrier with time is killing me. I can literally feel my heart rate go up when I start thinking of the place, it's kind of disturbing.


I have a few, maybe 2-3 pictures of the place, and I've put them far away because looking at them would be painful now. Still, it seems easier to let go of the places in the apartment I have pictures of and I keep beating myself up for not making more. I keep telling myself, if only I'd made more (and I had plenty of chances), I wouldn't be freaking out over it as much now.


I know it sounds really weird, which is why I haven't mentioned it before, but I'm tired of feeling like this whenever I think of his place. It's almost worse than thinking of him himself and trust me, I find it as ridiculous as you do. It's just a place.


So why do I feel like this? Am I just projecting all the good memories onto the physical place itself? I want this anxiety to stop, it's really weird! :eek:

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I think you know the answer already. You don't miss his place...you miss HIM. And all the wonderful times you shared together. But you are focusing on the apartment. But really it doesn't matter. If you had 1 picture of his place or 100, you would still be missing it, and him, just the same.


It seems like you are having a very very hard time letting go of your ex. Seeing him at work must be especially difficult. It's hard to move on when you have to constantly be reminded of what you're moving on from. But you can do it....you have to believe that there is someone better just waiting out there!!


PS....your screen name is Yuzuki....are you Japanese?

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Thanks for your reply. I know it's getting to ridiculous proportions sometimes, just how much I miss this guy. <sigh> The worst part is that I know how ridiculous it is and it still doesn't help anything.


Honestly though, knowing I have the pictures helps. Now I'm just missing the places I don't have pictures of more.


I'm not Japanese, I just like Japan. And I didn't want to use my "regular" nickname just in case. :)

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I'm the same. My ex and I lived together , and I miss it so much. Knowing someone else will be there with him kills me. I also miss his house he rented when we first met . It sucks :(

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I think it's a natural thing to do. fallenheart is right in that it's him you miss and that you have memories of him tied to his apartment.


I'm the same...if I close my eyes I can picture every inch of my ex-boyfriends place but eventually I know those memories will fade or change into ones that won't be painful.


Don't be hard on yourself x

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