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Falling for a friend...

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I met this guy about 9 months ago through a friend. Nothing romantic, just as friends. He had just broken up with a girl he was dating for less than a month, I broke up with my ex a year ago. Now it seems like we are in the same boat, not looking for anything serious, just taking our time. We've become pretty good friends and more recently have gotten closer. He invited me over to his best friend's house (whom I've never really met before) and we had a great time just hanging out. His best friend seemed to approve of me. Is that a sign? How often do guys introduce girls to their best friend? Anyway, here are some more clues: We've shared the same wine glass together, he has complimented many times on how good I look, as we were walking to his friend's house he put his arm around me, he's starting flirt with me more... I guess what I want to know is... DOES HE LIKE ME?! If that's the case, how do I get things going? As I have said earlier, neither of us want to be in a committed relationship anytime soon, but it would be nice to have some romantic moments with him. Hell, I'm down for some casual sex minus the emotions... I just want something...

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He doesn't want a committed relationship. But he doesn't mind monopolizing your time as if you two WERE in a relationship?


Two things I see here: He is getting his cake and eating it too. Its not casual sex if one of you has feelings and it SOUNDS like you have feelings from what you said. He might just see you as a pretty thing to boost his ego after his breakup.


He is also monopolizing your time and energy. He gets to hang out with you and take advantage of your awesome presence, while telling you he doesn't want anything committed and you're okay with that... and at the same time you want to know if HE has feelings for you. From the sounds of it he has feelings... most likely for himself.


As yourself if you're okay with second best... a "no-strings attached" type of mess going on, or if what you really want is something that will build up to a relationship. For me, I would not be investing my time and effort in someone if I didn't expect some sort of "payout".

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