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I'm disappointed in myself..


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Is it normal to be disappointed in myself? I made myself too available. I overwhelmed him with my issues. I wanted him to want to spend time with me whenever he had free time, because I made sure I did. I'd drop everything for him. Is that one of my faults? I gave him his space. I was by no means an overly jealous or possessive girlfriend, but could wanting to spend so much time with him be a reason as to why I was dumped? Should I change how I love so that I don't set myself up for being hurt by someone else in the future?

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Is it normal to be disappointed in myself? I made myself too available. I overwhelmed him with my issues. I wanted him to want to spend time with me whenever he had free time, because I made sure I did. I'd drop everything for him. Is that one of my faults? I gave him his space. I was by no means an overly jealous or possessive girlfriend, but could wanting to spend so much time with him be a reason as to why I was dumped? Should I change how I love so that I don't set myself up for being hurt by someone else in the future?


I tried be extra vigilant about not becoming too possessive, suffocating etc in my last relationship. Do you know where it got me? Dumped.


Moral of the story: be yourself. If your partner can't cope then sure, give them a bit of space, but be honest with your feelings. If they don't accept or feel the same way then it was never meant to be. Don't change who you are for anyone, because at the end of the day you're only going to be cheating yourself.

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I am disappointed too. we were teach that happy endings is the only ways for love, and that make us feel this way when it doesnt work out. but all of them wont work out until you find the right one. you might not.


but it is not just about us, it is about the other person too. so just be yourself.

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