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Don't come around here no more

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I know what you mean, I looked for years before meeting my wife at age 32. I'd almost given up on ever finding anyone, at least I had almost 24 years before the wheels came off, which is better than most, but hard to take now.

I'm sorry for your suffering. You sound like a really great guy. Her loss! Keep your head up!

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W ka¿dym domu najwa¿niejsz¹ rolê pe³ni oœwietlenie. Owo ono pozwala utworzyæ przestrzeñ idealn¹ a¿ do relaksu, zabawy, spotkañ z przyjació³mi. S³usznie dobrane oœwietlenie nada wnêtrzom nastrojowego klimatu, natomiast dodatkowo optycznie je powiêkszy. W naszym sklepie znajdziecie rozmaite lampy natomiast dodatki oœwietleniowe. Nasze produkty skierowane s¹ a¿ do osób, które oczekuj¹ zaskakuj¹cego efektu œwiat³a. Polski wybór obejmuje w podobny sposób oœwietlenie a¿ do du¿ego pokoju, pokoju dzieciêcego, gdy natomiast a¿ do ³azienki. Wprost przeciwnie obok nas znajdziecie lampy pod³ogowe, œcienne, sufitowe zaœ sto³owe. Wszystkie wyró¿niaj¹ siê wysok¹ jakoœci¹ wykonania, nietuzinkowym stylem i oryginalnymi formami. Ze wzglêdu temu do perfekcji komponuj¹ siê spoœród wnêtrzami urz¹dzonymi w ró¿nych stylach. Oferujemy lampy tradycyjne zaœ bardzo nowoczesne, klasyczne natomiast hojnie zdobione, w szerokiej gamie kolorystycznej. W zwi¹zki od czasu oczekiwañ tudzie¿ potrzeb, mo¿ecie wybieraæ modele daj¹ce ciep³e zaœ rozproszone blask, wzglêdnie takie, które zapewniaj¹ dobre oœwietlenie ogólne lub punktowe. Mo¿ecie siêgn¹æ po lampy wykonane spoœród papieru czerpanego, glin, ze stali lub szk³a. Dostarczamy oraz niezbêdne dodatki oœwietleniowe. Dajemy wam bezdno mo¿liwoœci na oryginalne dekorowanie przestrzeni, w których funkcjonujecie na co dzieñ.

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Accept the mystery.


That's a very useful thought to have when dealing with questions you can't find answers to.

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Accept the mystery.


That's a very useful thought to have when dealing with questions you can't find answers to.


Not sure how much of a mystery there is anymore. Ya know when things just "come together" in your mind. Had an ah-ha moment today.


The reason he didn't want to marry me but not let me go all those years ago, was because he had another woman on the side. A woman he cared for more than me. A married woman promising him that she would get divorced and then they would be together. Which she did. Which they did. Now, they are divorced. It's all makes sense now. Keep me on the string till something better comes along.


THAT is reality and I'm not even surprised. He was never sure that she would want him...so he kept me on the hook. The entire time they were married, I didn't see him hardly one time.


Now, they are divorced. I am still single. He is popping into my life again. Coincidence?! H*ll no. I must be mental. I must be. Simply must be.


Not sure if anyone reads this anymore, but as God is my witness I hope and pray that someone learns SOMETHING from my mistakes. And I thought all these years that I was special to him.


Next time, ... there will be no next time.


The end.

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Last Saturday night, as I was walking into the club with my group of friends, I saw him standing off in the corner. If I didn't glance just right, I wouldn't have had a clue he was even there. So...I shrugged my shoulders and pretended as if he wasn't there.


I walked in with a group of about 8 really great friends. Note that when I dated him, I had only about one good friend. Not social at all. He thought I was clingy. All night I danced, drank and got approached by very attractive men which I danced with. Yea, I looked HOT!! IT WAS FRIGGIN' AWESOME!! (evil giggle) :bunny::bunny::bunny:


He was off in the corner, didn't have a date and was alone. He looked a bit scruffy. As he attempted to keep the smile on his face, I felt twinges of guilt and sadness. But he made his choice long ago - the wrong one. I had a good time and deserved to have fun. He could have left and gone elsewhere!


Totally felt like the most awesome girl in the world that night.


!!~Living well is the BEST revenge~!!


Letting me go all those years ago was the best thing that ever happened to me. :)

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I would like to add that the "Law of Attraction" & "Power of Persuasion" were my teachers. Read all you can about these two subjects.

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