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My most painfull experience.....


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Hello everyone...i just nees somebody to talk about my most painfull experience ever...i met this guy last year in foreign country where we both worked...since i saw him i felt for him..so as him...the main problem was that i had only one week to go home..so we end up being intimate..we became friends on facebook...and i went home thinking i will never gonna see him again...one year later call it destiny or not in May we got same job again in foreign country..i couldn't bealive it..so i send him msg on facebook telling him the news...i was so exited that finnnaly i will have chance to know him much better....his reaction was kind of like great but i told him that we gonna be friends with benefits as i knew it that he is a player...so as me..i mean i'm like party girl i don't want nothing serious with anybody...so here it goes my big drama...in may this year we both end up together on the same work place he was my supervisor..we were both wery exited to be again together and this time for 3 months period..the first week was evrything perfect he was always with me calling me for lunch gym and he was the one calling me all time..than ofter one week the guy realised that we were too close and everybody think that we are couple so that means he can't be with another girl...so i back off and said fine i will ignore you....since than just everything was wrong...my roomate i think she was kind of jealous on me so she start to do anything to make me problems with him....anyway it was a lot of going on...in those 3 months together we were friends with benefits...but it was a lot of problems...i never ever made him any problem regardind on him seeing another girl...but he was giving me a lot of pressure at work...everything i've done it was mistake to him..all other collegues knew it that he is overreacting with me...if i made one mistake it is big problem for him...he was always blaming me how i think only on partyies..how i'm spoiled and selfish and i think only on me...everyday he was pointing on my mistakes even if they were silly...so due to the stress i lost a lot of weight..i mean i was always attractive girl tall skinny..blond hair....so i starded to realize that i 'm lossing alot of weight i mean i'm not overweight girl so i can say great i lost weight i used to be model...so i decided to go and see the doctor about me going home earlier..the doctor thaugt that i got anorexia due to stress..so i i was supposed to leave the work place in 48 hours..for me was shock....anyway i'm calling the guy as he is my supervisor to tell him that somethnig is wrong with my health and i have to go home in 2 days...he was shock as well...so the night before i'm going home he was all night with me we were talking a lot..i appoligised to him about anything that was happening...so as him he said he is sorry about giving me pressure at work and he was kind of blaming himself...i was crying alot i told him no i'm not blaming you..yes you did gave me a lot stress but was my choice that i refused to eat....we were hugging each other we said sorry about anything we stay up till 6 in the morning i finnaly was talking with him as real friends...so we went to sleep..so i wake up the next morning only to see he deleted me from facebook i was shocked...so i went in his office and ask him why he deleted me....all what he said was i don't wanna any reminder that i ever met you...i was like what was i so bad memory...he just said to me **** off...i start to cry and i said to him does it really have to end like this...he was ignoring me all day refuses to see me in my eyes...i mean i was with him all night hugging each other and than boom he don't want even to talk to me...so i started to pack crying all day...the night has come i was thinking at least he is gonna tell me goodbye if i dont desrve any explanition..but no not even goodbye...he was standing there seeing me cryinng and not say even one word to me...i didn't wanna pushing him to talk to me....so i left home crying..and knowing that i'll never gonna see him again...i send him one msg on facebook to tell him how i fell...that happened what happened we can't change it..but we did had a good time as well....he never reply to me..after 3 weeks i try one more msg on facebook again no response...just to mind you that facebook is my only contact....so about 3 weeks ago i send him another msg asking what i have done to him...just i asked him very politely if he is gonna ever talk to me again..i know that i'm not so bad person i never yelled at him i never even insulted him...if anyone has right to be mad is me but still i'm not that pesrson to hate somebody..and he answer me back....saying i dont wanna ****ing talk to you and leave me the hell alone and he block me on facebook..i was shocked i sent him total 3 msg in period of 2 months which the first 2 he didn't replyed back..so he make me like i'm some stalker where i really think that i deserve some sort of explanition why he choose to end the things like this...it's not that we gonna bump each other somewhere we live in different continents....so he just pressed one button and he erase me like i never existed...after all we went trough...now it is just like we never met each other....i know his email adress...but after he block me from facebook i will never ever gonna contact him....he choose to be jerk at the end i tryed to be at least civil....but i really don't know what is going on in his head....and i realised that maybe was the best for me not even know ever...

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Claire983 I'm sorry about your situation and no offense but, if you cleaned up your grammar and threw in some paragraphs, people will be able to better understand your post and help you more.

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Wall of text. I read most of it and all I have to say is that it was doomed to happen that way because neither of you guys wanted a relationship. After you caught feelings for him things went wrong. You guys wanted a FWB relationship and it should have been that unless he was going to change for you. So the best thing to do is to move on and forget about him. Meet other guys/friends and keep busy. Don't talk to him again because it'll be drama

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Tnx for your reply...well i guess you are right...after all we went trough it was obvious that it's not gonna end up good...anyway my main concern is to understand why he choose to end the things on bad note..he cut me completely from his life...like i never existed...he knows that i don't wanna relationship with him...we not gonna see each other never again..i understand to cut somebody who was abusive in relationship,somebody who you think that it is maybe dangerous...but what i've done to him...nothing i never insulted him,i was the one who was saying to him go and get some girl if you want..i was never jelouse or something like that...


I don't get it....he was all night with me talking about everything that happened,saying sorry to me..and than the next morning he can't even say to me goodbye,have a nice life and get well....what kind of heart this man has...even if i'm spoiled and party girl and all those stuff he think about me that doesn't make me bad person...but as they say out of sight out of mind... Anyway i won't contact him....he doesn't have respect for me as person..after all we went trough...tnx for reply

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