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he replied....

Bruised Not Broken

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Bruised Not Broken

To an email from a while back....and it was rather snippy. And so we exchanged a few emails....I tried to smooth things over...and mid conversation he disappears again. Just like my conversation is irrelevant.....I AM IRRELEVANT. It hurts so deeply again. Why reoly to be jerk????? If u have nothing nice to say shut the F UP?!!!! I feel like he left all over again.

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this look familiar:



Originally Posted by lymtal1 viewpost.gif



want to hear you say yes:)


:) Yes...I got it.



So this was what I meant when I said no communication. I know it is very hard when you have hope and all you want is them back. Tell me again that you are not going to communicate in any way starting now.


You know it is not a healthy thing so please stop. Make today your new start day of n/c. Sorry for the tough love but think you need it right about now.


By the way you are not close to irrelevant. He is. Remember that.

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Sorry about that love. I haven't had contact for almost a month now and the only thing stopping me contacting him is how cold he was towards me.It set me back so much.

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To an email from a while back....and it was rather snippy. And so we exchanged a few emails....I tried to smooth things over...and mid conversation he disappears again. Just like my conversation is irrelevant.....I AM IRRELEVANT. It hurts so deeply again. Why reoly to be jerk????? If u have nothing nice to say shut the F UP?!!!! I feel like he left all over again.


How long have you been breaking NC now, hoping that he will be nice towards you? When has that ever happened?


Just look at it this way, B. You made a mistake, maybe more than once, by breaking NC. Now you KNOW for a fact what will happen if you do, and you know it will set you back. Try not to look too much into it. You tried to smooth things out, he acted like a jerk, as usual. But it's okay. We all have to make these kind of mistakes once or twice to really get it through our heads sometimes. Heartbreak clouds our judgment more than anything, especially early on, but now you have insight into what will happen if you keep contacting him...

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Bruised Not Broken

You are all right....and I guess Einstein was right when he said "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". I replied because I always assume my rational response can alter his stupidity. If I had that power, perhaps I would be able to harness that power and change the world. But I can't even change him, so I should stop trying. Okay...NC starts immediately. Get ready guys....from now on, when I go to contact him, I'm saying it here....maybe that will work. But god help you guys :D


Bright side...I feel good today....cried until I had nothing left in me in the car this morning and It was therapeutic. I actually feel calm and peaceful...at least for now. Here's hoping I can hold on to it for a while. :bunny:

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I also made the mistake of breaking NC today as well. She texted me and i replied hoping for something that I will never get. It sucks but I think I finally learned that breaking NC will never give me the answers that I want.

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Bruised Not Broken
your words have no merit - anymore!


I gotta admit antz....u make me LOL. Laughter is the best medicine :)

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I gotta admit antz....u make me LOL. Laughter is the best medicine :)


i really do wonder when you actually finally start doing the things you need to do for yourself. when that day comes im going to throw a party for myself because reading your threads really is depressing haha.. but hey im always here to nag you until you finally snap out of it!

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Bruised Not Broken
i really do wonder when you actually finally start doing the things you need to do for yourself. when that day comes im going to throw a party for myself because reading your threads really is depressing haha.. but hey im always here to nag you until you finally snap out of it!



Well, have a party baby...I accepted a new job that pays WAY more money than I make where I am...I set my start date for two weeks...I bought a few new awesome outfits that I look FAB in....and I got up and smiled in the mirror for the first time in a while. New chapter in my life. Fresh start and finally going to make some real positive steps forward. Not focusing on a man....that man...any man for a while. I"m going to better ME. Get my career moving ahead instead of staying in the same "safe" job I have had for seven years. I'm really excited about making some positive changes. Now...I'm not going to say I won't have 'sad' days...but hopefully this will be the changes I need to make them fewer and farther between. So...don't stop nagging...but hopefully it will be slightly less necessary :)



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Well, have a party baby...I accepted a new job that pays WAY more money than I make where I am...I set my start date for two weeks...I bought a few new awesome outfits that I look FAB in....and I got up and smiled in the mirror for the first time in a while. New chapter in my life. Fresh start and finally going to make some real positive steps forward. Not focusing on a man....that man...any man for a while. I"m going to better ME. Get my career moving ahead instead of staying in the same "safe" job I have had for seven years. I'm really excited about making some positive changes. Now...I'm not going to say I won't have 'sad' days...but hopefully this will be the changes I need to make them fewer and farther between. So...don't stop nagging...but hopefully it will be slightly less necessary :)




hey bruiser, thats the shiiiiiiii t!!! you know, if you look in the mirror and you dont like what you see then you really have issues!


im really happy to hear you're doing things for yourself, its finally time to put YOU on that PEDESTAL! and dont kick yourself off it either!!!

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