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guys and compliments

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Say you're flirting with a guy and you tell him he looked good tonight and his reply was "thanks, you too." Does he mean it? I just know guys compliment differently than girls. Are even bland complimentes like these genuine? I just used that as a general example.

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Yeah, I'm sure he meant it. Remember, guys love compliments but some get a bit shy about receiving them. I think a guy who returns the compliment is being polite in addition to meaning it.


Most guys won't gush after a receiving a compliment, smiling and saying while twirling around, "Oh, really? Thanks." That's girl stuff.

They won't really say anything, but they like it. No worries.


I also remember one of my guy friends says he loves it when women are specific in their compliments, as in "Wow, your a$$ looks amazing in those jeans, " or "Nice biceps."


Anyway, I would just make sure I wasn't complimenting a guy more than he did me. Keep it balanced.

Edited by blueskyday
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