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Hoping for the best


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I sent a friend request to my ex on Facebook. It's been over a month since I dramatically deleted him in a moment of anger and pain, and I've been feeling so ridiculous ever since. It was immature of me to make that move with such little explanation, and the fact that he's ignoring the request is something I just have to live with, because I have to be honest with myself and remember I was a bit of a bitch to him when I asked for NC. He didn't deserve that. And so I have come to terms with the fact that he might leave the request sitting for a long time. He has a habit of storing friend requests, many of them, and then going back later at random times and deciding to accept the request. He might do that with me, or he might ignore it forever, which doesn't seem like him but I guess there's no way to know how much I hurt him, if that's what this is about. I'm hoping for the best. I don't want to necessarily try to rekindle the friendship but it seems like being Facebook friends again is symbolic for some sort of acceptance and healing. Anyway I just needed to get it out there.

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