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6 months post break up with LC


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Its been since March that my ex of 7yrs broke up.

We have had limited contact here and there since then and he is currently seeing someone at the moment even though he told me he still loves me and misses me etc because it was so much history and feelings are still there.


I havnt seen him since May (memorial weekend) I injured my foot and he came to the hospital to see me and take care of me at home.


Do I pretty much kiss this goodbye? since its been 5 months without even seeing each other?

Has anyone ever been NC or not seen their ex in months and some way or another they come back to you?

I feel like if he really wanted to see me he wouldve done so.

He told me back in AUgust he wanted to see me real soon but then I found out he was still seeing the (new girl) and I flipped out on him and started with the crying and begging for about a week untill I went NC again for a couple of more weeks.


I know it doesnt mean no harm and my ex is a great honest person but I just wonder if he truly means when he says he still cares and has feelings for me.


So as I asked before after him not even seeing me can someone still eventually come back around?

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sorry to hear about this. 7 years is a long time.


i would like to say yes. problem is, he is seeing someone else. i find that once an ex finds someone else they don't tend to go back. so if it wasn't for that factor id have said yes.


:( i am sorry i could be wrong though. but obviously living in hope is no good.

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sorry to hear about this. 7 years is a long time.


i would like to say yes. problem is, he is seeing someone else. i find that once an ex finds someone else they don't tend to go back. so if it wasn't for that factor id have said yes.


:( i am sorry i could be wrong though. but obviously living in hope is no good.


Hey Dblock,

Thanks for your response.

Of course living in hope is not good but I guess I just keep thinking it was 7 yrs, 7 super long yrs and you can really just fall out of love with someone that quick within in a few months? even though he still says he loves me and cares for me but its so hard to believe.

Then he also said that its not that serious with this girl and that hes super cautious due to everything that happened in our relationship.

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